Good evening Prayer Warriors! We have had an eventful two days. - TopicsExpress


Good evening Prayer Warriors! We have had an eventful two days. Feel free to read the first section below to hear about our eventful day yesterday, or skip to the last section to read results from our swallow study! Yesterday, some unexpected excitement...I took J to my aunts office in Council Bluffs. To make a long story still long...his G-button in his stomach came out, completely. This has happened before and I am trained to put one back in (and have had to), however, I did not have the kit with me (just when you think you have thought of EVERYTHING! ha!). So, back to Omaha to scrub, sterilize and replace a g-button from the comfort of my very own home I go. J falls asleep in the car, at least he is nice and relaxed! I carry him inside, leave out details....the g-button will NOT go in his stomach. I call his surgeons office and report our little event. They are great as always and say hurry in before it (the hole in his stomach that the button goes into) closes. I load him up, unload him, and check in within 15 minutes (that is good timing my friends! ;) ) One hour and 15 minutes post-g-button-lossage...the hole has closed...but not a slam the door and lock it closed but more like a basketball doesnt fit into a gingerale bottle closed. Im informed they will need to use metal instruments to dilate the hole and that he isnt going to like us. Hold the little guy down and four instruments later we have an inserted g-button (not nearly as bad as it sounds, really...he did great)! X-rays later (to determine the placement is correct) and we can now feed the poor guy that hasnt had anything to eat in 3 hours (thats 4 times longer than he is used to going without food) and get back to our otherwise uneventful day. Thank God for good medical attention and amazing medical staff that care so much they are willing to keep you from an unnecessary ER visit. God bless Dr. Cusicks office!!! :) We would like to extend our appreciation and thanks for keeping J in your prayers-specifically in regards to his swallow study. It was SO MUCH BETTER than Mom & Dad invisioned! PTL! :) Js swallow study took about an hour (I think...I didnt do a good job watching time). It was a LOT of work to get him to tolerate anything going into his mouth, let alone swallowing but praise the Lord we were able to get 3-4 good looks at his swallows. Results? It is believed that J is NOT aspirating on his food (THANK YOU JESUS!) and that he is just having such strong aversions to food in his mouth that formula from his stomach (given to him through his g-button) is coming up and causing some respiratory irritation. So we thank God that J is not aspirating when he swallows at this time, but we ask for prayers that speech/feeding therapies are extremely successful in conquering Js aversion so we can eliminate the vomiting and respiratory irritation in the future. Two More Prayer Requests: J has a pulmonary appointment on Friday morning to follow-up on his partially collapsed lung. Prayers for great news are appreciated! Finally- yesterday Js blood pressure was 135/68...again the 135 is suppose to be in the 80-94, very high! Please pray we get some good blood pressure reads this week and that his new bp medicine (I wont bore you with that story...Ive already blabbed enough!) works well for him. Thank you so much for your continued prayers, love, support, thoughts and encouraging words! You will never know what you mean to us! God bless!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 02:34:17 +0000

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