Good evening, This one will be brief, but I received a few urgent - TopicsExpress


Good evening, This one will be brief, but I received a few urgent prayer requests at church this morning and then I will update on a couple of the children in need. The first is another child – Juliana Markel, 4 years old, who will have surgery tomorrow to remove a tumor on her brain. The doctors have told the parents they do not know whether it is cancerous or not, nor do they know if they will be able to remove it all. Please pray that the surgeon’s hands are guided by the Lord, that they will be able to remove it all, and that it is not cancerous. Pray also for her parents. Pastor Butch Lanphar, a Lutheran pastor, suffered a stroke not too long ago and is having some difficulty recovering from it. I understand he is a fairly young man – perhaps 55. Pray that he begins to recover rapidly and that he is able to go on and be the shepherd for his congregation. Eric Cozzone, the brother of one of our young parishioners, was taken seriously ill while serving in the military in Germany. What I heard was that he was diagnosed with Wagner’s disease, but as I went to look that up I discovered there is a similar sounding disease called Wegener’s as well. The military is processing him for a medical discharge because of whichever disease he has. Please add Eric to your prayers for a complete recovery. After visiting Eric together with her parents, his sister, Katie Reed, suffered a seizure. At this point the doctor’s are following up and testing to discover whether it is epilepsy or not. Please pray for Katie and for an accurate diagnosis. In fact, pray that it is not epilepsy but rather a one-time occurrence. Pray for the repose of the soul of Doris Goldstein, a relative of another parishioner. Doris, who had been a resident of an assisted living home, was diagnosed with cancer 29 days ago and died last Tuesday. As I began praying for her with Anita this morning, I immediately had an overwhelming sense of peace. I believe she rests with the Lord already. Wes Pak is recovering from his surgery this last week and has been moved today from the PICU to a regular room. However, he is still in a lot of discomfort. The surgeon visited with the family and indicated the team is discussing the course of chemo that Wes will need. Please keep this 8 year old in your daily prayers. Little Matthew Cecena is reacting badly from the chemo of this last week. His mom writes that he is still suffering from mouth sores, gets sick periodically during the day, and is generally uncomfortable. Pray for Matthew. Kristy Thalmann reports that some prayers have been answered regarding her toddler Bryce. He woke up happy yesterday, his blood counts were way up, so they were able to remove his mask. He wanted to walk the halls, so they took several walks with him smiling and waving to people and seeking out a couple of other children to whom he has taken a liking. She is still getting conflicting reports concerning Bryce’s treatment tomorrow. Please pray that all confusion be removed and that the hand of the Lord guide all treatments. Have a blessed evening, a good night’s rest and wake tomorrow ready to face whatever the Lord has in store for you. In Christ, Fr. Dennis
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 01:42:43 +0000

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