Good evening all! A late one thisevening, but nevertheless, I was - TopicsExpress


Good evening all! A late one thisevening, but nevertheless, I was determined to provide you with some food for thought, thus picking a card to help guide us through this fresh new year. I am using Steven D Farmers Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards. Interestingly, we have the Chameleon, a creature that adapts to its surroundings, as a means of protection and self-preservation. I feel this card is reminding us to stay true to ourselves. Do not compromise yourself. Take pride in empathising with others, use your knowledge and experiences to help and offer encouragement. Be happy with who you are and make yourself proud in the way that you live your life. Theres no need to be the centre of attention and you dont need praise or compliments to validate You. To be at one with yourself, to do good without the need for recognition, to remove pressure and demands of yourself, to understand that everything you do has a knock on effect (so keep it positive!), to blend in with great energy, be that lovely aura that others wish to be a part of. We are all important and vital in the flowing of this Universe. Realise that the only acknowledgement you need is self-satisfaction that you are doing the best you can to keep the earth evolving on a beautiful, spiritual frequency. With reference to the illustration, green is the main colour, depicting healing of oneself with a loving heart, the heart chakra. It connects with your emotions and allows you to love and give unconditionally. It also symbolises luck, serenity and peace. The Chameleon sits upon a bare branch, bar a single pale leaf, yet he smiles with contentment. We all have reason to smile when we give thanks for what we have and what will come. The new year is the perfect time to reminisce on the last twelve months, so look back and radiate gratitude for all that you have accomplished, and manifest, with pure and positive focus, on all that you intend to succeed in 2015. Happy New Year, may it be everything you desire and more! Love, light and blessings 💚 xxx
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:55:55 +0000

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