Good evening all! Before I depart for our line dancing group - TopicsExpress


Good evening all! Before I depart for our line dancing group evening I thought Id tell you what Ive been up to. Fireman Sam the collared dove has been with me quite a few weeks now and I wondered if he was strong enough to fly away now. But when I wrapped him up in a towel and had a look, his wound is still open and the feathers around it still fragile the way theyre growing. It looked much cleaner tho and I gave it another dry savlon spray. Then I thought Id give him a go in the aviary to see how he flew. But unfortunately he couldnt get any height at all, his wing is still troublesome. I watched for a while as he settled down. He didnt seem intimidated by all the pigeons, even when Pellet in his usual bossy fashion bustled up chest puffed out. In fact Fireman had a whatever expression and nonchalantly went to the water bowl for a drink. He pecked around at the grain and wasnt put off by Skater rook lurking up in the rafters! He had a good preen of his bad wing and perched on a middle branch in the flight. He knows where the food and water is so hopefully hell feel at home. It was like musical cages because once I knew that Fireman was OK I decided to move Beau crow into his cage. Its a bit bigger and higher up so birds have a better view and feel less intimidated up there. Poor Beau cannot fly of course so I arranged his perches so he could make his way to the top. Thats much better. Until later, have a good Friday evening.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:34:36 +0000

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