Good evening all. I reallu dont know how to put that whats on my - TopicsExpress


Good evening all. I reallu dont know how to put that whats on my heart into words but here goes. I need help or signs to give me direction and hope. By saying I am emotionally so drained is an understatement. I worry a lot about the health of my mom as well as my dad who is strong and quiet yet I can sense he is stressed about my mom too. Due to ppl stealing from them my dad had to start work again and the pension he will get will not be enough to sustain them. I am going to be there helping but that too is something adding to our worries. I work with death daily which can become draining. I for some reason attract all ppl with problems and they always want to share it with me which is even more draining. I feel sorry for ppl quickly and give my advise and hope it helps. I really want to start my Reiki courses and be in a situation to help others but also together with my art have additional income to ensure my parents will be ok. On top of that I sit with a broken heart and Im struggling to trust and carry on. I also worry about my brother is he safe etc. Im heavily obese which is damaging my confidence etc. It is all just becoming too much and I dont know what to do to get focused again and be strong. Im not depressed and know that I am the only one that can help myself however I speak to my Angels and Guides and God constantly thanking them for my blessings and asking for help. Maybe Im just not seeing the signs that they are there helping me or guiding me. I just dont know. Guess I just need some help in the sense of how to stay strong and go make a success of what I need to do. Some hope maybe. It already helps being able to get this off my chest as I do not want to worry my parents with my problems and I dont want to drain my friends with my problems the way they often drain me. Even just a good old chat from someone wise will be enough. Have a blessed evening and thank you again.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:47:11 +0000

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