Good evening all my sisters and brothers of the craft. It still - TopicsExpress


Good evening all my sisters and brothers of the craft. It still amazes me how close minded so many people are now a days. And not trying to start a big crap storm, but the ones who are so called Christians amuse me the most. Now, please there is no bashing or hateful undertones, it is merely observation, so please know that I mean no offense, because just like the Christians, there are hypocrites in all races of folks and all religions, or religious type structures. But back to my observation, in a store that I was in, there must have been maybe a dozen or so people standing around. We were all waiting in line to be served and off to one side, the T.V.s were playing, now on one of the stations was the show Charmed, (LOVE IT). So after a minute or so this older couple, maybe in their late 60s early 70s, the wife looks over to her husband and with the most of venomous of tones in her voice, which was surprising from her appearance, she says to her husband, Phil look at this, its that Witch show with the 3 lesbians. I swear you could not have slapped me and had my head jerk around any faster. I cant believe they still show this filth on TV and in a store at that. Okay now at this point every fiber in my mouth wanted to shout and scream, and maybe some where in the dark recesses of my mind, did the scene from Airplane appear in my mind. So as nice and as sweet as I could I said to this woman, You know I think your mistaken about that show dear. They are not lesbians, the one is married and they are all 3 sisters. And meaning no disrespect to you, but with wearing that cross around your neck, I would figure you to be more understanding and open, being a Christian and all. And now I swear to all I believe, this sweetest of looking old lady, turns to me and says, Well yes I am, but the bible is for God faring folks like us, not those Satan loving witches. WOW Any way I looked at her and shook my head, and then turned around and left the store. I do as I thought would be best, to walk away from ignorance, it has no age limit, and it knows no common face. It comes in all shapes and sizes, we can never escaped it. But there is one thing that we can do, and that is to deny it any power over us. We have walked among the ignorant our whole history, why should modern times be different. Have a wonderful night and as always, Blessed Be...
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 01:04:37 +0000

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