Good evening, as you may have noticed I have not been nearly as - TopicsExpress


Good evening, as you may have noticed I have not been nearly as active on our page as I have been in the past; also, sadly, I havent been nearly as involved with helping with rescue work. Part of this is related, I think, to feeling a bit burned out: even though I have never contributed anywhere near what others in this cause have, and continue to, contribute, I find that my age, health issues, commitments to work and family, and time constraints all take their toll. However, I am still passionate about the goal of a world where it is no longer tolerated that domestic cats can be homeless, nor left to endure the risks that accompany that homelessness. I believe that in order to achieve this goal, public consciousness needs to be raised; I see this happening now with many other animal rights issues, and I believe that one way to achieve this is with regards to cat homelessness is by raising awareness through writing. This is what I hope to achieve by telling the stories of Joe and of other homeless cats and the people involved in their lives. The legal cases against the two men charged with shooting Joe -- they have both continued to plead not guilty -- are working their way through the courts; the next court appearances are scheduled for October, and I will be at the Sarnia courthouse when they appear for their pre-trial hearings. In the meantime, I will do what I can locally, although I regret that, for now, I am finding it difficult to even find the time to respond to requests for assistance, let alone actually help. For this, I offer my sincerest apologies; I hope that in the not too distant future this situation will improve. Finally, I wanted to share something a little more private. For some time I have been involved -- for the first time in my life -- with a political matter; I havent shared it here because I felt it wasnt relevant, but to the extent that it takes up a large chunk of my time, I think it is. Youve probably heard of Rob Ford: he is the mayor of the city I live in, Toronto, and since February I have been active in a sit-in at City Hall that is dedicated to peacefully doing what we can to try to ensure that he is not re-elected on October 27. Im looking forward to having more free time after that! Heres a link to a recent Toronto Star article about how one of Fords staff calling me a Communist. Seriously? - Comrade John thestar/news/city_hall/toronto2014election/2014/08/14/senior_rob_ford_campaign_official_says_antiford_protesters_are_communists.html
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 03:48:47 +0000

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