Good evening everybody. I would like to thank everyone for all the - TopicsExpress


Good evening everybody. I would like to thank everyone for all the prayers, they certainly are being heard! First of all, I lift Aprils mom (my mother-in-law), Laura Mason, up for healing. As you know from her posting, she was not feeling well at all today. Feel better Laura! April loves seeing you as much as you love seeing her. It has been an amazing day worthy of praise. April is becoming more aware of her surroundings, recognizing us, and in general more conscious and communicative. She clearly indicates yes, no, or whatever with hand gestures, such as thumbs up. She sat in a chair today for a time. Her father, Rick, said the nurse suggested it, and April immediately put her pillow on the chair. When we asked if she wanted back in the bed, she nodded, and put her pillow on the bed. She tells us when shes in pain, and when shes cold/hot. Basically, she is communicating with us. She shows affection as well. Laura described in her post a gesture of love April gave to her. For me, I was holding April hand and said I love you. She then squeezed my hand rapidly three times. I was on Cloud 9, and weve been holding hands much of the evening. So there is progress. When she was done listening to her iPod, she handed it to me and indicated she wanted the TV on. She is falling asleep watching one of her favorite shows Forensic Files. We are giving her some pain meds now because she indicated shes in a little bit of pain, as well as insulin. Im so happy to be taking orders from her! She gave me a thumbs up when Ive asked if she wanted her feet rubbed (twice!), and to turn up the AC. When she was done with the quilt, she folded it up the best she could and handed it to me. She wipes her own eyes, she puts on her own Chapstick....This is progress, folks! Thank you, Jesus! Rick said she had two spoonfuls of applesauce. Im so happy though to be getting glimpses of April, and her personality. Her facial expressions and gestures are just so April. Its refreshing. It will be a long hard road, and Im praying this is the beginning of a successful trip. I think her favorite visitor today, aside from us, was John Hanna. He always makes her smile. She was also happy to see Laura, who came in later in the day even though she wasnt feeling well. In term of the blood clot in her arm I discussed yesterday, the doctors started a small dose of blood thinner. The goal is to prevent future clots, and hope the existing clot dissolves on its own in about 3 months, and they feel it should. They are going to do a head cat scan tomorrow to see if the blood thinner had any adverse impact on the area of the head where the surgery occurred. If there is not one, then they will give her a full dose. Please continue praying for this clot or the blood thinners to not be problematic. She also seems hot, however her temp is a relatively low 99. So thats it for today. Lots of praise and lots to still pray about. Again, thank you for not only praying for April, but passing on the prayer requests to others. We have a hundreds in a small army of prayer warriors for April... and we are winning!! Thank you for selflessly and fervently offering up my wife in prayer. Its working. Praise The Lord. We love all of you!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:54:27 +0000

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