Good evening everyone. I hope you all have been having as good of - TopicsExpress


Good evening everyone. I hope you all have been having as good of a week as Mel. Lots has happened since her last update. For starters, we have a teether on our hands now! Melanies two front bottom teeth have broke through. It was a very exciting realization for everyone, especially dad, who first noticed her teeth coming in. I remember fondly one early morning him screaming at the top of his lungs as if Mel had been hurt. I rush in from washing bottles to find him oooing and awwwing over her pearly whites. Melanies therapy has been going very very well. She is progressing more and more each day. In fact she is getting so strong in her legs that her therapist says a jenny jumper would be a great idea. Hearing that was music to our ears because that means that Melanies rolling has gotten good enough to move onto her jumping. Her therapist is confident enough in Mels rolls that if she fell, getting up wouldnt be an issue. Way to go Mel!!! We are still waiting for the prescription for her therapy to be increased. One thing Im learning is that everyone is so quick to send out their bills to collect but take their time with necessary referrals. I guess its the name of the game though. Speaking of bills, Mels medical bills are still slowly trickling in.....let the headaches begin :/ On a good note, Melanie had an appointment with her pediatrician today. This has been an appointment that daddy and mommy have been waiting three whole months for. Now before I get to the juicy details, let me inform you all that Mel has hit the 14 pound mark!!! We have a 14 pound baby...yay! Other good news is that Melanie will not need the Synagis vaccine this year. Though mommy is a little apprehensive ( cough, cough....nervous) about the idea, she is happy that we dont have to go through that whole process again. You better believe though that Melanie will be on lockdown lol. The best news that we got today was that we can finally start her on solids!!! Yay! Mommy and daddy have both been eagerly waiting to introduce Melanie to different fruits and veggies and we finally got the ok :) pictures will be coming shortly. One of the not so great things we learned today was that Mels head is very large. This caught mom and dad by complete surprise! Not only was it very large for her adjusted age of 7 months, but it was larger for her gestational age as well. In fact, she was above the chart for both. Her dr is concerned obviously and did some blood work to check some things. He is hoping this isnt the start to some eating, taking, and gross motor delays, and is just result of her daddy having a big head. Either way we were a little thrown and will be anxiously waiting for the results. We have been through far worse in the past year so no matter what, we got this. These days Melanie loves moving. Whether it be rolling, reaching, jumping, squirming, bouncing, or attempting to crawl, she is ALWAYS moving. She thoroughly enjoys hanging out with her cousin Mia and sharing toys. She loves talking and singing songs as well. Her favorite dog is my beagle Jojo, or so I think, and she absolutely loves throwing her toys. Things we are looking forward to is getting her crib on Thursday and setting it up. I mentioned she likes to move a lot so we are having to forgo the bassinet and jump right into a crib. We are also looking forward to some sippy cup trials, trying different foods, growing out of some clothes ( hopefully), and planning her very special 1st birthday. Lots and lots of fun headed our way and I cant wait to show you. Good night everyone :)
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 06:05:23 +0000

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