Good evening everyone, Today I had my second session at the Cancer - TopicsExpress


Good evening everyone, Today I had my second session at the Cancer Center. I was not sure I wanted to go since I was still feeling weak from the first one last Monday. From Thursday through Sunday I had a bit of a time eating. I didnt get sick just had not real apatite. I forced liquids as much as possible so I would not get dehydrated. Last night, I was up most of the night praying that I could make to the center. In the middle of the night I was eating fruit ,drinking water since I felt like I was gong to pass out. Finally fell asleep. I did go to my second session met with my nurse who is fantastic. She has 40 + years is caring, happy, and help me figure things out. Took my counts and I was fine. Have to go back tomorrow along with the next day for a shot to get the white cells up again. My Dr said that I was dong great, just needed to get use to the procedure more. He was so encouraging that I hugged him. I had a migraine right in the office but had my meds and prevented it from getting out of hand. My courage sometimes is not there, I cried my eyes out on Sunday to my dear friend Michael telling him that I now weigh 120lbs and felt like I looked terrible. He took me in his arms and said that I was beautiful not to stress (he always did love skinny ladies) lol.. I didnt mind when I was 152lbs just a while ago. I have been all over the board with weight but now I know why. those invaders were blowing up my tummy, to think they thought they would stay there. Well. My Dr at the Cle Clinic sure fooled them when he performed surgery with the help of the Lord by his side. I know that because before I went into surgery I said a prayer to God to guide my Dr and his staff. I whisper came back Charlene I am here.. One early morning while in the hospital I was up watching the sun come up over the city on the north coast. I could not breath or talk was thinking I was near death. I could not get out of bed, could barely call the nurse but rang the nurses station. Yes a voice came over the pa system what do you need Miss Borsic? I answered I think I am dying, cant breath,help All of sudden the nurses ran into my room. My pressure as down big time, I saw the nurse make a phone call, she said we need to do a transfusion please know you will be ok. We are going to add somethings to your IV hang in there. I did have only one transfusion during surgery but I knew that I was in the hands of God. I had a TV that I never turned on that day. I could see the reflection of my very frail body now sitting up in the hospital bed. I looked and saw something that was now very clear in the outline of Jesuss white robe now behind me as if he was laying behind me with open arms. He was holding me and I could see his reflection very clean. I relaxed and let his love hold me as he promised he would never leave me or forsake me. I thought about the scripture Psalm 46-10 Be still & Know that I am God. I relaxed took a deep breath looked up and now saw the transfusion going into my body. My health improved turned a corner in getting better. Well it is getting late need to go to sleep. I am not a professional writer but have always enjoyed writing to express how I care about my love of Jesus.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 03:37:58 +0000

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