Good evening from te Ozarks..I just got online about an hour - TopicsExpress


Good evening from te Ozarks..I just got online about an hour ago,been outdoors a lot today and Sister came up so we had afun giggling time,she brought me some On The Border tortilla chips and cottage cheese ,which I have mixed with chunky Salsa and I cant quit eating,till I said ..Enough..I put my Maxine chip clip that says YOU AGAIN?....and trying to drink lots of water....that stuff is just too good! I got a beautiful Mothers Day card from Kathy today....that was very sweet Kathy....She has always did her best to treat me to a nice Mothers Day...I hope her children treat her extra special for Mothers Day...Well as a matter of fact I hope all Mothers get honored on their day... There was a story about this son that said he hated his Mother his whole life,because she only had one eye and it embarrassed he grew up he had nothing to do with her even when she came to visit him and his children ,he sent her away and his children just made fun of her like his classmates had when he was in school..Even though she had came to visit him and his family..she left ,because he chewed her out for coming to his house,and she left without so much s a welcome... Years later he goes to the town he grew up in she has died ,but he stops by their shack,and he finds a letter she wrote him saying she was so sorry she had been an embarrassment to him his whole life,but she loved him so much,when he was very little ,he had an accident and lost one of his eyes,and she did not want him to have to be she had given him her eye......Can you imagine how he felt?/ Most Mothers love,sacrifice and someties give up their life to protect their child,and so any times ..its taken for granted,until one day they find out what it meant to be really loved...Karen,you had shared the story and I tried to share,but it must have had a virus,my computer locked up until I unplugged it and then reboted when I turned back on....It was a heart wrenching story....thanks for sharing it..I cried.. I know I have shared the story about how one night when I had a cough and Audrey and I were sleeping downstairs on the couch..I kept coughing ,and Mother saidClara Lee ,just hush!...well I wanted her sympathy which she knew I was exzagerating the coughing,so she had none...I said well you are so mean to me probably got the wrong baby at the hospital!She slapped me which was something she never did...and snapped..Young lady ,you dont know what your talking were born at home!...and being the stupid niave kid I was at the time,it didnt register...not knowing what a Mother goes thru to give birth....especially at home.....She probably at that point would liked to have taken me out of the world like she brought me into the world......but she only said Just Hush and go to sleep!......which I then resorted to whimpering and did...I was never aware how that probably affected her till I gave birth to my children....She used to say..You never pay for your raising....till you have children of your own............. i loved my Mother,and knew she loved each one of us children...We were her PRIDE AND JOY.........Sending you prayers, good nights rest and to tell you that YOU ARE LOVED....even when you push your Mom to the limits....ha ha
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 02:03:35 +0000

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