Good evening my people! Read my version on Government of National - TopicsExpress


Good evening my people! Read my version on Government of National Unity. MY PERSONAL OPINION ON UNREALISTIC CALL FOR GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL UNITY IN THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH SUDAN. Since the insurgency occurred on 15 Dec 2013, the political, social and economic sphere was very higher than anyone expected it despite the fact that since March 2013 when SPLM as a political entity called for its political bureau meeting to discuss its governing documents turn out to be a campaign for the SPLM chairmanship leadership. Eventually, over five candidates declared their interest to run for the post and challenge the incumbent chairperson. Unfortunately, in December 13-15, 2013 during the national liberation council meeting looked like a timing bomb that would explode anytime at the wrong time. Aftermath in Juba widely sparked off in other towns mainly the Upper Nile region with series of rebellions led by Dr. Riek Machar. In democracy we do not preach about wars but rather follow the democratic principles of the land as enshrine in the Transitional Constitution. I might be tempted to think that the government of national unity would bring lasting peace to my country but nevertheless let us wait to see the outcome of it. The unrealistic calls for government of national unity would be argued as follows;- The Transitional Constitution of the land is silent about the provision of the government of national unity in cases of crisis or wars but such arrangements are done to accommodate different conflicting interest of worrying groups. For instance, between 27 April 1994 and 3 February 1997 South Africa was governed under the terms of the interim Constitution of South Africa. Clause 88 of the interim Constitution required that any party holding twenty or more seats in the National Assembly could claim one or more cabinet portfolios and enter the government. This arrangement was known as the provision for a Government of National Unity (GNU) where they had parties like African National Congress (ANC), National Party, Inkatha Freedom Party and the Azanian Peoples Organization. Therefore, considering an interim government would be a gross violation of the Transitional constitution. Political disparities in South Sudan will create more enabling conducive environment for the ruling party to continue ruling and deciding on the fate of this country. The biggest problem with political parties is lack of resource since the political party act 2012 confined them to receiving donations from national companies and organizations. Secondly, there is serious misinterpretation of political party’s activities with series of intimidation from security operatives that resulted into distinct interact with the grass roots members of the parties. Therefore, it is obvious that SPLM as a ruling party will take the lion share whereas a smallest proportion will be preserve for other political parties. Notably, in case the rebels accept this request then it will zero down to gender aspect and unfortunately no youth will feature in the government of national unity. For instance, in Ukraine due to political unrest in the country that resulted Prime Minister to be ousted and replace by new interim government. Secondly, in Kenya the Government of National Unity, also known as the grand coalition cabinet, was a designation for the coalition government from April 2008 to April 2013. It was formed through negotiations between the Orange Democratic Movements leader and presidential candidate Raila Odinga and Party of National Unitys leader and incumbent presidential candidate Mwai Kibaki in the aftermath of the 2007–2008 Kenyan crisis which had followed the controversial 2007 presidential election. In Zimbabwe, the Government of National Unity refers to Zimbabwes coalition government that was formed on 13 February 2009 following the inaugurations of Morgan Tsvangirai as Prime Minister and Thokozani Khuphe and Arthur Mutambara as Deputy Prime Ministers. It is a coalition organized among President Robert Mugabes Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front, Tsvangirais Movement for Democratic Change, and Mutambaras MDC, as agreed to during recent negotiations. Nevertheless, the government of national unity required a lot of resources to be utilization in all these twenty seven ministries, twenty one commissions, two assemblies and office of the president. With the little resources we have now it would be a suicide to form a huge government to accommodate individualistic and opportunist mindset people. For instance, the rebels are threatening to block the oil refineries whereby 98% of our revenue is raised from oil production. However, our government is working on budget deficits since the war broke out because over 50% of the budget is been consumed by defence ministry in facilitating different military operations. The peace talks in Addis Ababa require lot of resources to facilitate their travels and accommodations. We should expect a new supplementary budget to be submitted to parliament as soon as they come back from recess, as citizens we should forget services delivery since the whole ministries budget will go to administrative cost rather than operational cost. The unfounded call for the president H.E Salvia Kiir to step down will not bring lasting peace but rather divide the people more. It would be better when we have a government of national unity with incumbent as a president to finish his term of office and incorporate the worrying factions into the government. For instance, In Kenya 2008 post violence elections did not guarantee Mwai Kibaki to resigned or step down from his seat to Raila Odinga, In 2008 Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe never handpick Morgan Tsvangirai’s of Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) as a president, In 1994 South Africa Nelson Mandala (ANC) never allow Frederik de Klerk of National Party as a president. We would be setting a history in a wrong way if we South Sudanese allow these arrangements to continue. Instead we need to call for our leaders to be united as this critical time to face these numerous challenges. NB I strongly do not support the government of National Unity but rather suggest the followings Recommendation 1. The president should form a strong team of true reconciliation, forgiveness and healings from all directions i.e. religious leaders, cultural leaders, peace activists, political parties, civil society fraternity and other stakeholders. This team must be people with real integrity, patriotic and forgiving heart; they should be task with holding different forums from grassroots levels up to national. 2. There is need to strengthen the negotiation team in Addis Ababa with strong lobbying skills to discuss possibilities of lasting peace. In fact the President need to form a national base lobbies team to assist in improving the poor public relations with the citizens. 3. Professionalized the security organs by having well trained army officers to undertake professional work in their different respective areas of work. To avoid fears among citizens, allow indiscipline army officers face the military courts or face their judgment for crimes committed. 4. Resettlement of refugees or Internal Displace Persons to safer sites especially for those who think they cannot return to their respective areas of residence. Allow humanitarian organizations with direct supervision of government access these remote areas with food aid and other essentials. Continuously IDP’S visits by different actors to preach peace and instill some confidence in the broken hearts of the destitute. 5. Instead of creating more ministries, we need to strengthen the current government institutions to response to different emergencies and citizens demands. Institutional strengthening would be a paramount to our well being as citizens. 6. There should be commitments from both worrying side in ensuring lasting peace in South Sudan. The people of this beautiful nation are tire of wars and this time needed lasting peace to prevail. 7. Allow the media to cover events that promote peaceful coexistence and create enough programs to involve all stakeholders to discuss ways forward for peaceful country. Restriction of these media would create fears and limited access to information. ‘’Information is Power and peace”. I thank all of you who took time to read all my views on this cause, May almighty God bless all of you abundantly.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 15:17:18 +0000

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