Good everything everyone, No matter what pain anyone in this - TopicsExpress


Good everything everyone, No matter what pain anyone in this life goes through, do you know tears are a great healer. Dont however allow that pain to grip you with terror for years to come. Deal with it in the here and now. All pain is merely an illusion, the illusion of death, the illusion of loss of a lover, the illusion of falling out with your family, or indeed a friend. All we do is release our emotions out of that situation and move on with our lives. Learning as we go not to make the same mistakes again. If you do then clearly you will repeat the process time and time again. Its all about learning. The sooner you realise that our soul lives on and on why should we fear death? You say nobody knows but why then however do so many people look for messages from the other side. Guidance from people they loved. It is tough to lose people we love because we cant have a chat together. They are all around us though. So again I ask why fear the pain of death, when we never die? Fear, pain and loss are so tough on people. It can age us, make us ill and potentially stop us moving on with our lives in a satisfactory manner. Do we really want to exist here because I dont. The beautiful part of this process is YOU!! You are amazing, a wonderful miracle a human body that exists on an earth plane whilst learning to be what you actually are already. Energy, a soul a creation of all. We all live on a planet, we all breathe, we all have a heart and we all have a brain. This is so awesome, I have discovered a miracle You, me and everyone else. However you already knew that didnt you? So the best course of action is to respect yourself and your values, never deviate from your values and what you believe in, Always have a kind word to say about yourself, never doubt your intelligence, never doubt you have miracles within you, Never doubt you. But you always have to make sure then that the people you are around have the same values as you, if not thats when you need to walk away. Its okay to differ in opinion, but if you differ in every way there will come a time when you fail. Thats when you will find pain and pain stops with people a lifetime and then changes who they are. Thats when we struggle with karma. You know in your mind what somebody needs to do to deal with an issue. But is it down to us to change them? No its down to them to realise they dont live to the values they have of others or most importantly themselves. They cant live to their own values because they are consumed by others being right. When maybe we should just find people who match us for us. Only then can we be at peace with who we are and who we are with. And find love for us both. Parenting I hear you ask. Well its simple find out the childs needs. Ask them what they want? Ask them how they like to be made happy. Ask them what makes them smile. We all say children tell the truth and this is correct. A child learns behaviour. However if we let them be who they are. How can we cause conflict. Should a child just because they are born to us become a mini me or you. No we are all individuals. Thats why the school systems arent working. You must achieve this level of academic study to have a good life. You must read and write to better yourself. While all this helps, if a child has an imaginative mind and could save the world with that mind, why tell them to write. Why tell them to conform? Yes we should all have a basic skill set. But why not let a child who can express themselves through words do this. Then another who likes writing can take notes and they can then record this momentous occasion and change the world. I rarely talk about my children on these sights, however today I must. My eldest, she came to me one night a few months back. She could not sleep. She read in a Disney Encyclopedia that the earth would crash into the sun in 5 billion years. She could not sleep. She was so worried. I explained that 5 billion years was an awful long time. No that didnt work. So for a split second after two hours I may add. I had a little moment. For one minute let me tap into who she is. I asked her with her fantastic mind to come up with a solution to save earth. Within 5 minutes she was back with my girls beautiful grin on her face. Dad, if we built a massive spaceship with large doors, we could drive over the earth pick it up and move it to another solar system and place it there so it and all the people were safe. Far fetched maybe. But in 5 billion years who knows. 120 years ago we couldnt drive. They were no cars. She fell asleep within a minute. We have systems in place all over the world for excellence to shine through. Yet we stifle excellence when ever we can. We bully excellence, we cannot stand to see success as humans as that makes us feel inferior. I arent like that and I know there are many others who arent. But there are many more that are. Blessings of love and light. From deep within my heart. Have a beautiful Saturday. Take care of yourself today, so you can take care of others tomorrow. LNL < 3 xxx
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 07:48:49 +0000

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