Good lesson for Priorities in life (opinion /belief)....This poor - TopicsExpress


Good lesson for Priorities in life (opinion /belief)....This poor instructor would have had trouble getting thru this exercise with me around(opinion/belief)... When confronted with contradiction in anything, (including things people say, weird) I always want to clarify what was said and re-frame what was said to make it a factual statement (opinion/belief). I can agree with it, once reframed in my mind to a true statement or I have to agree to disagree(opinion/belief) I would have agreed with the class on question 1. Wanting to clarify the inaccuracy in his statement, but would have agreed (for the sake of argument and with everyone else in agreement). My mind would be reframing it to say - its not actually full, but the statement is true in the context of no room for another golf ball. On question 2, I would be unable to agree as the play on words has revealed itself! Im no fun :/ White lies are a gateway drug :) It starts out with fictional stories - white lies - ignorance or enforcing fiction as fact - plays on words - Outright Lying - Betrayal (lying +action). Truth and fact is almost always in short supply, heavily outnumbered by copycats, even handed to us from those we trust. When exactly did that white lie, become a lie? Truth is, It always was! :O 1. When important info is intentionally left out of the conversation. 2. fiction is enforced as fact or law...... Deception to teach a lesson, preserve innocence or spare someones feelings is at the end of the day.... still DECEPTION!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 00:41:38 +0000

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