Good mornin friends of the page. Hope you are havin a nice - TopicsExpress


Good mornin friends of the page. Hope you are havin a nice peaceful Sunday mornin enjoying some nice hot mornin brew and a little down time.. Today is Sunday March 9, 2014. Its Bells Chlothilde Lagniappes 11th Birthday!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Chloe!!! Its Barbie Day (On this day in 1959, the first Barbie Doll went on display at the American Toy Fair in NYC.) Its Daylight Savings Start (Clock confusion will occur again this weekend when daylight saving time (also called daylight savings time) gets under way in the United States. Daylight saving time 2014 will begin at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9, when most U.S. states will spring forward an hour. Time will fall back to standard time again on Sunday, November 2, when DST ends. But the federal government doesnt require U.S. states or territories to observe daylight saving time, which is why residents of Arizona (except for residents of the Navajo Indian Reservation), Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Marianas Islands wont need to change their clocks this weekend. Other states could soon follow suit, or mandate permanent DST) Its Check Your Batteries Day (We all know that some days are silly or light-hearted, but there are others which serve an important purpose. Check Your Batteries Day is definitely highly recommended because it could actually save your life. Created to raise awareness of the importance of testing and having working batteries in household appliances like smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. These devices help to warn you of a potentially life threatening situation, giving you vital time to get yourself and your family to safety. However, it’s important they are tested (usually you can do this by pushing a button) regularly to ensure they’re working correctly. Check Your Batteries Day is a reminder to do just that. While you’re in the routine of checking, it’s a good idea to check other household appliances, such as remote controls, toys, clocks and other electrical items. If you don’t have spare batteries on hand, consider buying some.) Its False Teeth Day (Presumably begun by cynical and canny dentists on the hunt for extra work, False Teeth Day celebrates the replacement teeth which will never let you down, even if your real teeth have! The first society known to have made dentures are a pre-Roman Italian people called the Etruscans. They used real teeth, whether human or animal, on a gold band and fitted them over the wearer’s existing teeth. Using real teeth, often taken from those killed in battle, was the only method of making dentures until science allowed artificial teeth to be made from materials such as plastic – a much more civilized method. For most false teeth wearers, their replacement teeth allow them to continue to eat and drink as normal.) Its Get Over It Day (I dont know what it is you have a problem with, but today you need to just get over it! One of the most interesting holidays to be found is known simply as “Get Over it Day“. This celebration was invented in 2005 when a man was having a rather difficult time overcoming the loss of his girlfriend. In essence, this day is meant to help people get over their troubles and tribulations while doing so in humurous ways. It is also considered a day to remember that others in the world will certainly have it worse than us, so Get Over it Day is also a day to feel a bit humble. Another coincidence (or perhaps not) is that this holiday falls directly between Valentine’s Day and April Fool’s Day. So, mixing a bit of partying and romance is certainly not out of the question. While this is still a rather young holiday in comparison with others, Get Over it Day is undoubtedly one of the more appropriate days to sit back, relax and decompress during these modern and hectic times) Its Girl Scout Sunday (Girl Scout Sunday and Girl Scout Sabbath give girls an opportunity to be recognized as a Girl Scout at their place of worship. Girls may also perform a service, such as greeting, ushering, or doing a flag ceremony. Girl Scout Sunday and Girl Scout Sabbath is also a great opportunity for Scouts to organize a service project or other activity for the congregation) Its Joe Franklin Day ( Born on this day in 1929, Joe Franklin started in radio when he was 17 years old. In 1950, he switched over to television and basically invented the talk show. The Joe Franklin Show was the longest running talk show when it ended in 1990) Its National Panic Day (It was Rudyard Kipling who penned the immortal lines: ‘If you can keep your head, while all around are losing theirs… you’ve probably forgotten it’s Panic Day’. Imagine a whole day devoted to what most of us do every morning, at least Monday to Friday. With deadlines looming, alarm clocks failing and traffic jamming, panic comes naturally, yet we’re expected to quell our natural urges, take a deep breath and carry on regardless. No more! Panic Day is the day to let rip and succumb to the terror, giving free reign to this much suppressed emotion. Flap your arms and scream, run around in circles, if it helps, or just stay in bed quivering with your head under the pillow. Be sure to spread the holiday spirit to friends, family and colleagues, too. A good panic is contagious.) The food holidays today are *National Crabmeat Day and **National Meatball Day **National Crabmeat Day (Theres nothing like the fruit of the sea, and delving into a crab meat dish is a surefire way to feel the spray of the sea on your face. Crab meat is a favorite across many cultures cuisines because it is slightly sweet, soft and has a delicate texture and taste. The most common crabs used for cooking are brown, blue, blue swimming and red swimming crabs. Like other meat, crab is available in different grades, dependent on where and what kind of crab it comes from. Some terms you might hear bandied about are colossal, jumbo lump, lump, special and back fin. Colossal and the various lumps are the largest pieces from the muscles connected to the back swimming legs, while special and back fin are from the body cavity. You can also serve up claws or claw fingers, which are best used in soups because of their strong flavor. But one of the best things to make with fresh crab meat are crab cakes! Just dont get, err, crabby if things dont go your way today.) **National Meatball Day ( If you didnt give up red meat for Lent, today would be a great day to make some meatballs and serve em up with a big pot of spaghetti and sauce for a nice Sunday dinner..... )
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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