Good mornin friends of the page... hope all are feelin well and - TopicsExpress


Good mornin friends of the page... hope all are feelin well and happy. Im ready for my first cuppa mornin brew .. how bout you? Today is March 10, 2014. Its Sweet Molasses and Darlins 36th wedding anniversary, and I can still recite the ceremony word for word! ;) Its International Day of Awesomeness (On this day in 1940, Chuck Norris was born. As so much has been made of the myth of Chuck Norris awesomeness, this was the day chosen to celebrate the awesomeness of each of us... Darlin will like this one and since we are spendin the day together.. I sure to hear a lot of Chuck Norris.. silly trivia... Do you know why Chuck Norris is never ___?) Its National Napping Day (Napping Day provides an opportunity to adjust after changes to daylight savings when losing an hour of sleep due to ‘springing forward’. Mid-afternoon naps are an integral part of most cultures, and scientifically proven to be good for you) Its Dream Day (It is time to sit back and relax and enjoy Dream Day! But do not use it as an excuse to slip back into bed – Dream Day was set up by an instructor at Columbia University in 2012 as a way of helping us all achieve our dreams and to make the world a better place. You can organize a special dream event, where a gang of you get together and talk about your dreams, or you can stay at home and dream of what you most want from life. I am talking more about ‘achieve my full potential’ and ‘end world hunger’ here, not ‘lose 10lbs’ or ‘get revenge on my boss’! Come up with an inspiring dream, then work out an action plan to make it happen, and to help everyone else achieve their dreams too. It is so simple, and there lies its beauty: All you have to do is… dream!) Its Land Line Telephone Day ( I know that some of you have ditched your landlines and use only your cell phones. But I still say that there is nothing like curling up on the couch with the big old handset that is easy to hold and talking with your best friend for an hour or so.) Its Fill Our Staplers Day (Is there anything more annoying in this world than going to use a stapler, only to find it has run out of staples? Yes, yes there is. A huge number of things. However, that does not detract from the fact that it can be extremely annoying, especially if you are at work, under time pressure, and have no idea where the spare staples are held. So if you work in an environment where staplers are shared with others, do your bit for humanity and use this day to ensure it is well stocked for future use.) Its Mario Day (In recognition of everyone’s favorite pizza-loving Nintendo character, take part in celebrating Mario Day. First appearing in Donkey Kong in 1981, Mario soon became not only the mascot for computer giant Nintendo, but also a worldwide sensation. The hugely successful Super Mario Bros. series, featuring Mario and his brother Luigi, defined the 1980’s and the 1990’s and Mario himself still remains one of the most adored, world-renowned computer heroes of all time. So, gather your like-minded, Nintendo-loving friends, don your Mario t-shirts, order in some pizza and get those Nintendo games consoles, Gameboys and DS’s out for a whole day of Mario fun. You could even go one step further and host a Mario House Party! With plenty of ideas, games and activities to choose from, such as fancy dress parties and mushroom stomping competitions, you can be sure to make Mario Day a day to remember.) Its National Pack Your Lunch Day (Many of us buy lunch everyday at work or school, rather than taking 10 minutes in the morning or the night before to make our own. Pack Your Lunch Day celebrates the humble homemade lunch, whether it’s a sandwich, leftovers, sushi or something altogether different. The advantages of packing your own lunch are obvious: you can eat whatever you like without being restricted by what’s available to buy; you know what is in your food; and over time, you’ll save a lot of money compared to buying lunch!) Its National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (Today is a day to teach girls and women about the prevention of HIV and AIDS, get tested for it if you are at risk, and to learn how to treat it if you have it.) Its Salvation Army Day (On this day in 1880, Preacher William Booth and his wife Catherine, founded the organization that became known as the Salvation Army. The organization was dedicated to helping people and spreading the word of God at the same time and was modeled after the British Army so William Booth called himself General William Booth. It was ahead of its time in one regard, women and men held equal ranks. Initially the work could be hazardous and many of its officers and soldiers were imprisoned and even killed.) Its U.S. Paper Money Day (On this day in 1862, the first paper money was issued is the United States. The denominations were $5, $10 and $20. This money became legal tender on March 17th of that year.) The food holiday today is National Blueberry Popover Day. (Talk about a light and airy pastry. Popovers are hollow! These flaky rolls are typically made in muffin tins, and presumably got their name for the way they pop-over the top of each cup during baking. While they can be sweet or savory, National Blueberry Popover Day celebrates the recipe with the subtle sweet taste of delicious blueberries!)
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:00:01 +0000

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