Good morning :-) Cards revealed today Left: Vacumn away - TopicsExpress


Good morning :-) Cards revealed today Left: Vacumn away Fear Call upon Archangels Michael and Raphael to lift fear-based energy from you, your surroundings, this situation, and everyone involved. You chose this card because you, or someone close to you, have absorbed some energies of fear. They could have been self-generated from your own foreboding or may have come from being with fearful people. Whenever you feel tired or have been subjected to substance abuse ( such as spending time in a pub or bar) take the time to cleanse away residual energies. You can conduct this process anytime or anywhere, even when other people are nearby. You can also conduct this vacumning for other people-- in person or remotely ( just ask their verbal or psychic permission first). Action Steps: To vacumn yourself or another person, just say: Archangels, Michael and Raphael, I call upon you and your healing Band of Mercy Angels to come now with your spiritual vacumn cleaner. Please deposit the vacumn hose through the crown chakra and suction away toxic , fear-based, or entity energy. See and feel the vacumn hoes completely cleaning the entire inside of the body ( including organs, muscles and bones) from head to toe. Shudders and other physical reactions are a normal and positive sign that the process is working. Continue until the body feels quiet and then say: Thank you, Michael and Raphael, for this healing. Please now fill the body with your diamond-bright white light to heal and protect. Middle:Be willing to Forgive Ask your angels to clear your mind and body of past pain in exchange for peacefulness. The angels are trying to help you with the topic of your question by urging you heal anger related to your past experiences and relationships. This old anger has become a barrier to attracting your desires, as well as a magnet that attracts similar situations to your side. This is a very important message, and your little bit of willingness to forgive is all that is required. You dont need to forgive the action that occurred in your past. You simply need to be willing to allow the angels to help you clear away the toxic poison of unforgiveness from your heart and mind. In this regard,youre trading pain for peace. The benefits of forgiveness include increased peace of mind, renewed energy, and the ability to focus. Action Steps: In a quiet location or while falling asleep, say the following either out loud or silently ( the angels hear your thoughts): Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now. I am willing to forgive ( name the person, organisation, or situation) and release all stored-up anger from my physical, mental, and emotional bodies. I am willing to release pain, in exchange for peace. Then breathe in and out deeply, which enables you to be open to Raphaels loving and powerful cleansing process. Repeat this step as necessary if you ever find yourself ruminating about anger and resentment. Right: Archangel Raphael The healing angel is with you, supporting your healing work. Your prayers for healing (for yourself or others) have been heard and answered by Archangel Raphael, the supreme healer within the angelic realm. Raphael ( whose name means God heals) gives you guidance and ideas about your health, so be sure to follow any intuitive impulses to exercise, eat healthfully, quit smoking or drinking, and so forth. Raphael can help you reduce or eliminate unhealthful cravings if youll ask. Hell also increase your motivation to exercise. If you feel called to help with others( loved ones,clients, and/or animals) then ask Raphael to guide your actions and words. Raphael will send Gods healing energy through you so that youre a conduit for Divine light and love. Raphael is also happy to direct you to schooling for healing work, at your request. Action Steps: Archangel Raphaels healing energy is emerald green in colour. Visualise this emerald green light surrounding any one in need of healing support. Even if you cant clearly see this green light, know that youve successfully invoked its healing power.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 00:35:31 +0000

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