Good morning - I hope you are all doing well and just wanted to - TopicsExpress


Good morning - I hope you are all doing well and just wanted to share this on this Sunday morning. Self worth, self esteem and self confidence - all huge issues but ones that we need to not just address to ourselves but also to our children and especially our daughters, girls and young women. If you do not have a sense of your own worth - those you attract around you will not have that sense of your worth either - how poignant and true are these words. On the week that was my own daughters Prom night I seen it myself in bucket loads - the worry our children have of being able to `fit` in, the worry they have of what size they are, how they look what outfits they have, what designer made it, what make up, what hair - dear me believe me the discussions it has lead to in our house over the past 6 months and more has certainly had their ups and downs. The superficial nature of many things that is influencing their lives around them - hard and difficult to stop but we should never stop trying to keep them grounded on what really is important. I strongly urge us all to really look at this whole area and especially in the work we do with our daughters - but not forget our sons - teaching them how to appreciate a girl, young woman - another human being as well as our daughters in self worth, respect and self esteem. So while we are working on ourselves, remember the messages you also send out - verbally and non verbally to our children as well - what they see and hear from you is crucial - you are their first and foremost role models for them to shape their worlds, opinions and view points - lets make it a worthwhile one. Thank you The Purple Flower for this wonderful picture and quote - and lets start being great, wonderful and powerful role models for girls / young women and boys /young men in our lives around us. Lets stop giving them mixed messages Have a wonderful sunday and never forget to shine and smile,
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 09:41:42 +0000

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