Good morning All! I know everyone is patiently waiting to hear - TopicsExpress


Good morning All! I know everyone is patiently waiting to hear what the Dr. said at Chelsea Goodwins evaluation and I would have posted earlier, but we have had a busy weekend.. Got in around 4:30 Friday afternoon and then had to take Tristan to the skate shop to pick up the rest of his hockey gear (pics to follow, hes such a stud) then got home and I was just exhausted so I went to bed. Yesterday up early to take Tristan skating and then Chels and I had a girls day together, followed by a night of me celebrating with some friends a very special friends bday.. okay I know you didnt need a play by play of my weekend, but thats why I havent posted about Chels till now. ;) Really all in all things went very well and I wont get the detailed report of all of her scores for a couple of weeks, but just talking with the Dr. , she has more right brain hemisphere impairment than left ( her right side of the brain looks to have been more affected by the shearing than her left) she has more frontal overall impairment as well. Chels didnt score low on anything.. all of her scores were average for her age and just some slightly below but still within the average spectrum. The Dr recommends her to maybe see a therapist as she feels Chels might be able to benefit from that. She still struggles with memory issues and the Dr. says she is still healing. She also can be a tad innapropriate but doesnt realize she is.. She doesnt go back for a follow up until another yr. So overall the Dr was really impressed with Chelsea, but I wont have more detailed information until her test results come in the mail. Again, as with every post Ive ever posted, Thank you all so very much for your thoughts prayers concerns generous support and genuine compassion throughout the last several months. Im so very grateful and thankful to each and every one of you!!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 17:17:29 +0000

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