Good morning, America!!! Wellup, we lost in Fed. Court……our - TopicsExpress


Good morning, America!!! Wellup, we lost in Fed. Court……our patriot was found guilty. An appeal is in the making for sure!! Our Fed. Govt. is spinning out of control, grabbing our public lands and trying to steal the water as well… What does this mean to us as citizens? Most livestock understand when a corral is being erected around them……. Close whatever roads they chose, put the water to whatever use they chose and what are we going to do about it? Its up to us!!! Mr.o has been sitting on his thumb ( a nice way for saying Mr.o has his thumb up his butt ) for so long, the consequences are rolling around to US!!! No border control, now we are overran with illegals in our medical facilities, our crowded classrooms and soon, the voting booth. The world gets upset if America exercises the rights as a nation, they themselves enforce in their countries!! By the way, Mr.o, when can we expect our Marine to come home from Mexico??? Im sure you are working on that, since we have taken on THOUSANDS of illegals in our country!!! Oh, by the way, ISIS IS here!!! Thank you for the foreign policies of a coward that makes the USA appear to be weak minded and spineless!!! Why not think we are weak? You apologize for us, you have bowed to the Saudi King, you have drawn RED LINES in the sand that were actually YELLOW, you think EVIL can be reasoned with….or DO YOU? I think you are doing just enough to keep the FOOLS in America, believing you are doing a fine job, while in reality you are a part of the overall plan to destroy AMERICA!! Its evident you stand on the side of Muslim or you would be raising HELL over the slaughter of CHRISTIANS by your own kind! What a disgrace to your lineage, you are!!! Now we are getting a whiff of what has been on the winds for sometime now!! The stench of black on white prejudice! All hell breaks lose when white on black happens and a blind eye and deaf ear is the response to something like the death of our young white college student….killed in sympathy for ISIS!! Now, yesterday a woman was beheaded in OK, of all places, by a black Muslim shouting radical Islamic words! He is radical Muslim and sympathetic to ISIS….. GET MY DRIFT!! SO…..are the white people who fought a Civil War, brother against brother, to correct the wrong that had been done to our African brothers and sisters, supposed to assume we are free meat, now?? If so, you will see much profiling and death come as a result! Is that moving forward? I think not. Why repeat the sins of generations past?!! I thought we were loving one another very well, until Mr.o stepped to the microphone with his teleprompter full of poison!! There are rats in all races and its up to the sensible ones to root them OUT for the good of all. Id advise the Muslim folks to start rooting or suffer the consequences that may be waiting for them. We all need to remember God loves us all and we will stand before Him as One! He doesnt care about skin color, your personal opinion or anything else…EXCEPT…do you recognize and accept my Son, Jesus, as your personal redeemer? Sorry, Muslims…..that means you too!! I didnt write the rules, so take it up with God! We ALL will answer to HIM and HIM ALONE! Why dont we spend as much energy loving one another as we do hating? Sorta puts the pimple on the nose, doesnt it??? So! As we march into our destiny this week-end, pray for America….THE LAST FRONTIER OF FREEDOM! Check in tomorrow for Sundays Treasure!!! Just sayin….. Blessings, ME rightlywired/brendan-tevlin-american-martyr-murdered-on-u-s-soil-by-jihadist-killer/
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 13:58:08 +0000

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