Good morning, Champions! If you were to ever meet me in person, - TopicsExpress


Good morning, Champions! If you were to ever meet me in person, you might find it hard to believe that I often have feelings of inadequacy. Whenever Im about to start a new project, or make a new investment Im often struck with feeling that Im not qualified, not knowledgeable enough, or dont deserve to have the opportunities before me. Even with starting this page, Ive often mentioned how I was hesitant to do so because I didnt think I would ever be able to produce or deliver anything people would show the slightest bit of interest in. And I was not about to be one of those people who built a page solely on picture quotes and vine videos. No. I wanted to provide something of value, substance and meaning. Which I later did, thankfully. Feeling inferior has a very negative connotation attached to it. We think of inferiority as being weak, incapable, unworthy and inadequate in a number of ways. We look at ourselves and feed our minds with the notions that we cant do something for any number of reasons, often times because someone or a prior circumstance has made us believe that we cant. Maybe weve attempted something once before – applying for a promotion, having healthier relationships, owning a business, having more friends, going back to school, public speaking – and for whatever reasons, things didnt go as we had hoped. We failed, and weve taken that failure to mean that were incapable. Many people live their whole lives wrestling with a crippling sense of inferiority. Im still living with mine if you can believe that or not. But its not the mere feeling of inferiority that weakens us, its when we accept it as fact and never make an attempt to change. Such feelings, which can be devastating, are a barrier to good relationships and genuine contentment. Nobody wants to be labeled inferior, because they know no one wants to be around people of inferiority. Its isolating. People will avoid asking for your help or participation because they view you as weak and incapable. Or alienate ourselves from people because we feel well ruin the celebration just by being there. How many times have you turned down an invitation because you felt your presence would make other people uncomfortable? That you would stand out as weird and have everyone focusing on your weirdness as opposed to enjoying themselves at the vent? Its easier to accept defeat than it is to stand up and fight. But the one thing Ive learned about inferiority, is that it doesnt take much of a fight to overcome. Heres the way I see things: If youve ever found yourself looking at others and thinking that you don’t measure up to them, then you would be right in those assumptions. You were born an original, and designed for something entirely different from everyone around you. It is because you are unique, that there is no one, living or dead, that you can fully and truly compare yourself to. Inferiority is something we create in our minds. And anything created by us can be changed by us. Part of that correction lies in understanding what it is you feel inferior about, and chances are, your feelings stem from judgment on your performance. I cope with my inferiority complex by simply doing the things I feel inferior about. Sometimes I succeed and accomplish the task, and sometimes I dont. But in the end, I no longer feel inferior, or at the very least, I dont sense it as much. Im not the best investor, entrepreneur, friend, son, nephew, mentor and business owner. But I know that I am the best of all those things that I can be. To deal with inferiority you have to understand that life is not about measuring your success to that of others. Because then that would imply we were all competing for the same goals and our lives had the same purpose. Each of us was born with a different purpose, and we were given the talents and gifts necessary to fulfill that purpose. Everything we go through in life is fitting us for that purpose – OUR purpose, and therefore, by default, everyone is inferior to a degree, because no one came fulfill the God-given purpose of another. In order to overthrow inferiority we need to first understand what God expects of us, not what everybody on the street expects. Too many of us set our standards on things that have no bearing on what we are to do in life. We judge and condemn ourselves on standard that have absolutely nothing to do with the purpose we are to fulfill. But, if you do not understand what that purpose is, or at the very least, are aware that you even have a purpose, youll always find yourself measuring your worth by the opinions of others, and not by what you know, feel and believe to be true about yourself. God sees us as men and women capable of doing great work. He did not create you to be a pathetic victim of life, no matter what anyone says. You are a master of the art of living in your own right. But because youve allowed the words of others to take more precedence and have more value over your own thoughts and emotions, you find yourself thinking less and less of who you are. Our Creator knows the weakness of our human frame, and He is supremely patient with us. When we fall, He expects us to come to Him for cleansing and then to keep on moving ahead. Each of us is “a work in progress,” and in due time, God will complete His masterpiece. You may not be the strongest today, but there will come a time when you will be, and all that you are destined to do in this life will manifest itself. No matter what you do for a living, whether you’re single or married, have children or not, you’re well educated, rich or poor, you are just as important to God as everyone else. We are all equally valuable in the grand scheme of things. But if we do not allow ourselves to see that value, and believe we have value, well always only see what other people want us to see, which are our weaknesses and not our strengths. Find your voice. Know your worth. Wield your power. Thrive! Because you are far from inferior.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 14:20:31 +0000

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