Good morning Dear Friends. We have laid low over the last couple - TopicsExpress


Good morning Dear Friends. We have laid low over the last couple of days. Christmas, was as we thought, different to how we would normally spend the day. We opened pressies in the hospital room - grateful we have had a really big room this week - we managed to squish everything in here! Santa found us so we were all relieved! We had some lovely visitors during the morning - a few, now teenage children, who had spent previous Christmas in hospital came in to share chocolates with the kids who were here this Christmas. That was lovely. Westmeads Hospital Santa was a lovely visitor during the morning, he was the funniest Santa we have ever met and we had a very good laugh with him. So many pressies were given to H, from the Camperdown team, Santa, Ronald McDonald house, Abs and E were included also which was very kind. The generosity of so many organisations who make this possible is quite astounding. These kids deserve everything and then some! Was lovely watching little kiddies on the ward smile with each surprise. We had a gate pass and we spent the afternoon at Ronald MacDonald house. This was an interesting experience. Lots of families sitting around tables celebrating. It was very unusual in that all of these people are strangers to one another......sort of weird trying to do your normal Christmas thing. Boxing Day was a much nicer day for all of us. Perhaps there is less expectation on Boxing Day and it makes for a nicer day anyway. We had the morning in the hospital ward and had a gate pass at 3pm. We decided to use the Ronald MacDonald van to go for a drive. Its a huge van so plenty of room for H to climb in and out. So, given it was boxing day we thought we would find a shopping centre - boxing day bargains and all that ..... so, nothing was open. Not a single shopping centre! We enjoyed the delights of the M4 for a little while and then came back! Hilarious really. We spent the evening again at the house. Many of the families had checked out yesterday so the house was quiet. We had such a crazy time playing cards - Phill taught us the skills required for many a card game. So all in all, Christmas was fine. Not what any of us expected but fine nonetheless. So much has happened since last update. Dr Stalley came and saw H yesterday morning. In his normal style he ripped the bandages off Hs leg, told him to lift it up and down and said he could put 20 kilos of weight through it again. We were so excited about this. However, there seems to be something going on with Hs right foot alive..... He gets a sharp pain when he stands up. Of course this is far from ideal as he needs a fully functioning right foot as the left is a tad dodgy. We also had a visit from an endocrinologist yesterday - apparently something dodgy is happening with his calcium levels.... we have been told this is due to not being mobile and the calcium leaks into his blood. This will sort itself out when H gets up and about. I have to say H and I both got the hot, slightly panicked feeling when a doctor we hadnt met before came into visit and from a different section of the hospital. Looks like the FINAL chemo treatment for Bloody Friggin Ewings will run on Monday. This is an all day treatment which does make Haise feel sick. What a milestone! It will be 10 months tomorrow since Hs diagnosis. 10 months! Haise has yet to be transferred to oral antibiotics as he is still receiving IV antibiotics. The pain relief medication is slowly being reduced and Harrison seems to managing this very well. We had lots of love in the mail on Christmas Eve! So much fun. Bless Abs friends and classmates - thank you beautiful ladies. An amazing card, lots of love gifts. So thoughtful, gorgeous and beautiful. Ab was completely overwhelmed with appreciation for her lovely friends being super thoughtful. Thankyou lovely peeps. We also had a mega box from Judanne and her gorgeous gang. Thankyou so much - you spoil us and we are so grateful. The Bourke Family sent a fabulous box of treats including a pressie for Hs pup Stalley. So lovely to know so many people are so kind. :) Thank you. We are more than grateful to the amazing people who are at home running things at our place. Our dear friends and neighbours Warren, Chris and Wayne are doing fabulous things to keep pups and cows sorted. Without their help Phill would have to be at home which would be so hard for us up here. Stalley has been bunking in at Warren and Chris place. In addition to this Warren and Chris feed the big pups daily and visit them as they miss their family. Wayne kindly goes up to our place each morning and lets the three, boofy pups out of the garage. Phill and I can only imagine the boot-fest he experiences as they greet him with love and thanks! Those pesky cows have been misbehaving and Warren has been having firm words with Theodore - its important that Theodore is reminded that we all know a good butcher. ;) These people are angels and we will always be grateful to them for their support. Phill and I have often said this year that we wish all that had to be done at home is putting the bins out! The joys of living in the pretend bush...! In other news...... Ethan lost one of his front teeth today. Very cute. All in all things are plodding along .... and its ok. We havent got long to go until we will be home. Hoping next week ..... H hasnt been home for about 5 - 6 weeks... if you think we did a weeks chemo and only had a day at home before the set back happened. Its a long time. There has been sadness around us on the ward yet again. I have had to keep my forcefield up to protect us...... We push on ...... we have much to look forward to in coming days. Will keep you all updated! Heres to a MUCH better 2015 - 2014 quite frankly has sucked big time! Much love and Happy wishes to you all, Em xxx
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 03:22:35 +0000

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