Good morning Fb, I thank God for another day, another opportunity - TopicsExpress


Good morning Fb, I thank God for another day, another opportunity to share some spiritual gifts, such as Lazarus, in John 11, who was representative of Gods People, who was keep in a dead state, waiting on the Massiah In total bondage for eternity, under the Law of sin and death. And it took a perfect sacrifice to remove the Law of sin and death, sinless, truthful, and obedient to the word of God. ( He was the living word ) This is why we couldnt be saved by works. Look at Genesis 2:16+17 ... And the Lord God commanded the man, ( Adam ) , saying, of every tree of the Garden, you may freely eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it, For in the day that you eat thereof, You shall surely DIE. So God took that Spirit of everlasting life away from man, and put him out of the Garden. Dead men walking And only the Blood of Jesus could free us, Then, it was left up to us to reclaim our eternal Spirits. With His instruction, ( Holy Bible ) and the benefit of the Holy Spirit Himself. But, sins that you are not willing to give up, and disobedience to Gods word, is keeping you from being born again. Jesus has opened the prison wherein you were held, and you are having so much fun with your captors that you dont want to leave. like Sodom, and Gomorrah . And the Father is saying; Wherefore, come out from among them, and be separate, and I will receive you unto Myself, and you shall be My sons, and daughters. 11Corinthians 6:17.) Now, most of you were taught that Jesus came down here and did everything for you, and you dont have to do anything but believe that you dont have to do anything, but believe. Thats not quite true.Jesus set you free from the law of sin and death, so that you would have the right to chose Heaven, or Hell, God or Satan, Life or death. Romans 5:12 says; Wherefore, by one man, sin entered into the world, and death, by sin. and so death passed upon ALL MEN. for all have sinned. And death reigned from Adam to Jesus sacrifice. Thats 4,000 years. or according to Gods time table, 4 days.( 11 Peter 3:8 ) And so He let Lararus lay in the grave for four days, symbolic of the 4,000 years that mankind was imprisoned by the Law of sin, which is death. Wake up, and work on your salvation. Your work is undone. Work while it is day, for the night will come when no man can work. Be Blessed.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:46:48 +0000

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