Good morning Fb, Its early, but this word is like fire, shut up - TopicsExpress


Good morning Fb, Its early, but this word is like fire, shut up in my bones. The Lord reminded me this morning of His Love for us, both Jew, and Gentile. And the provisions made for His people, in His word to us. Hear the Word of the Lord; Ephesians 2:15+16 Jesus reveals His plan to create ONE NEW MAN, That will reflect both Jew and Gentile, embracing both, old and new. Then are we disciples, Remember, He came not to destroy the Law, or the Prophets, But, that they be fulfilled. Matt. 5:17, ) Romans 3:31, Do we then make the Law void through faith? God forbids it, Yea, we establish it. Look at Romans 10:4, With an opened mind; For Christ is the end of the law FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. to everyone that believes. ( all that means is that you can no longer be justified by the law, it does not mean that we throw it away. The Old Testament was written for our admonition. Lets look at some correlations between the Old and the New Testament; In Exodus 38:8, Tells us of the Laver, that would set in the inner court of Solomans Temple, it would serve not only as a basin for purification for the Priest, before entering in to perform their Priestly duties. It was constructed of Bronze and mirrors, So that anyone coming into the courtyard, could look into the Laver, and see what manner of man he truly is. Now, in the New Testament, the Laver was left off, and replaced with our Bibles, But serving the same purpose, Its for the purification of our Hearts, Souls, and Spirits. And also when we look into the perfect law of liberty, ( Bible ) we also can see what manner of men we are. ( James 1:19-25. ) Read it. Now, The Bible shows your honest reflection, if you look into the Bible, (Laver) and you see yourself in Romans 7, Saying; I know that the law is good and just, but how to perform it, I find not. Still in that carnal, fleshly stage, stuck. Instead of being in the back of your Bible. In 1 John 2:3, And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep his Commandments. He that says, I know Him, and keep not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Christianity is a process, And if you see yourself in the front, or middle of the Bible, You are standing on shaky ground, and have some work to do. Dont let the sun go down on you. Work while it is Day. Be Blessed.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:09:40 +0000

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