Good morning. I am grateful to be alive, awake, aware, attentive, - TopicsExpress


Good morning. I am grateful to be alive, awake, aware, attentive, available, accepting in this incarnation right here, right Now, present, patient, peaceful, at this point of my karmic cycle and spiritual development. I am grateful for honoring the giftedness of existence. I am grateful for the life Ive been given for the players and playfulness of the play, for creators and collaborators, art and artists, poets and prophets, gurus and guides, mentors, masters and mystics. I am grateful for the gift water, water is life, water is precious, water is the softest most yielding substance, yet for dissolving the hard nothing is better. I am grateful for the gift of air to breathe, lungs to fill, for inhaling deep within, exhaling long. I am grateful for trees to climb, time with which to meditate and meditation with which to create timelessness. I am grateful for people to Love and joy to share. I am grateful for making time for self care, for forgiving myself and others and for remembering that my true nature is to be Loving. For Loving acceptance and compassion awareness, that we are all doing the best we can from where we are with what weve got. The gift of sentience and sensitivity, Love and Light, laughter and levity, the gift of grace and gratitude, compassion and kindness, peace and patience, nurture and Nature. I am grateful for the gift of balance and equanimity, for epiphany, enlightening up, insight, intuition, inspiration, intelligence, for the indescribable, the immeasurable, the innumerable, the unspeakable, the utterable, the unmovable, the unforgettable, the undeniable, the unconditional, for the infinite and the inexhaustible Love at heart of it All... For the interconnected, interdependent, inseparable, ineffable, inexplicable, inextricable, incomparable, indescribable, incomprehensible, the Unknowable One. I am grateful for the gift of my senses, sight, sound, smell, touch and taste, for the seen, the scene and the Unseen, the Mystery inside of Mystery woven into the fabric of existence, for looking deeply within and the more I understand myself, the more I understand everything else. My bodys innate ability to heal itself, our innate ability to heal each other, the healing power of touch, the healing power of listening, that Love, not time, heals all wounds. I am grateful for my hands, grasping and gripping, dexterous and determined, sensuous and sensitive, they have an ancient wisdom all their own. And for my feet, which seem to able to carry the burden of innumerable lifetimes. I am grateful for sharing my existence with a myriad of manifestations, the many beautiful Ways the Divine emerges. I am grateful for all the Ways the Universe dances and all the Ways the Universe sings and all the Ways She paints and sculpts. She nurtures and nourishes Nature, through a patient process producing such subtle suchness of single cell beings to infinite incarnations and manifestations. The Universe is constantly creating and consuming itself, mutating and metamorphosis. Her Beauty abounds beyond description, beyond comprehension, beyond beyond, the more we know the less we understand, the more we realize how little we know the closer we come to understanding it all. Im am so filled with awe, wonder and joy that there is anything at all! I am truly grateful for you! You make my heart smile and my soul sing. I am grateful for you being you precisely as you are, me being me precisely as I am, Us being Us precisely as we are. One Love. One Heart. One Mind. Thank you. Have a wonder-full day! I Love you!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 16:41:24 +0000

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