Good morning!! I hope youre all doing well this Sunday morning! - TopicsExpress


Good morning!! I hope youre all doing well this Sunday morning! Someone I love very much asked me to listen to this song this week. Its called Stained Glass Masquerade by Casting Crowns. As I listened, tears filled my eyes for them and for myself. The words were perfect for where my heart has been. I suspect the same could be said for them. I cant count the number of times Ive walked into church with a heart so heavy I could barely get through the doors. Instead of using that time of worship and healing to unburden myself, I plastered a smile on my face and sat boldly (albeit twitchy) in the pew. As the altar call was given I stood stoicly in place. Like a plastic figurine I didnt blink for fear that if one tiny tear fell, I would melt into a puddle in front of everyone. My pain would be revealed. My sins confessed. And then they would know who I really am. Not this Bible study leader and teacher that smiles and hides behind it. Not a writer that seeks God and tried to point them to Him. But a deeply flawed woman who messes up daily. Fails and falls in ways that would leave their jaws on the ground. I couldnt have that now could I? So I remained still begging God to end my discomfort and do His work so I could get to class or leave. Its a masquerade we all attend. Whether we do it through church or our daily lives, we all hide behind our smiles. Sometimes I think thats ok. We dont owe the world our dirty laundry. But we cant hide from God. There isnt a smile bright enough to hide a broken heart and no mask large enough to hide our sin. Nothing we do is a surprise to him so why do we bother hiding it? All we have to do is confess it. Leave it at the altar. Forget about others opinion of you. Only Gods counts and He already knows what youre dealing with. As men and women we need to allow ourselves to own our brokenness and then allow God to use our brokenness as a breakthrough. As a church, we need to be more willing to embrace one another, warts and all, and shower the broken with love and mercy. Just like Jesus did. He did not surround himself with Bible scholars and temple leaders. He surrounded himself with the tired, sinful, lost, broken and sick. He loved them through it and healed then from it Everything we do as individuals should be to build one another up so that theres no need to attend the Stained Glass Masquerade every week, but rather we walk into our Fathers house every week. We should be seeking refuge in God, His word, His people. Im convinced the pews would be overflowing if we, the church and body of Christ, made it a place of acceptance and healing instead of a masquerade. Im thankful for the person who loves me enough to see past my smile and give me this song. After tears, a genuine smile broke through. Nothing to hide behind but a big smile of thankfulness that God sent this person and this song when I needed it. Its always good to have people who will say the hard stuff to you. Even when u dont want to hear it. Have a blessed Sunday! Casting Crowns - Stained glass masquerade
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 12:49:17 +0000

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