Good morning, I wanted to share with you my Journey so far people - TopicsExpress


Good morning, I wanted to share with you my Journey so far people either hate that word or love it, I love it because by heck its what its been for me. These pictures are a snap shot of how I reached where Im at now. People often ask me what drives you, where do you get your energy. Many years ago I used to dream of a life, different from the one I had. I stepped out of my body and worked against myself constantly. I have made many mistakes and had many learnings along the way as we all do. I have come across some not so nice people and some amazing people. I have however always believed that one day I would grow up to make a difference, and inspire others to want greatness for themselves. If thats sounds a tad dramatic, I am just that, I am passionate and speak with enthusiasm it often takes people back when they hear me. My biggest learning is that life sometimes sucks and its a harsh world out there, sometimes it feels like our only job as a human is to survive it. I have dragged myself up from the ground many times, dusted myself off and started again. When I look back at my life I look back at all of it, the trauma, the disruptions, the ups and downs, this is my fuel. The happiness the success the laughter the love, this is my energy. I tell you all this because I live and breath the work that I do. I come from a place of learning and knowing that life is tough but you can be tougher. I took a leap of faith and finally opened the doors to my very own service. My goal is to help people make change more effectively as a whole person not just a fragmented story they tell from the outside looking in. I believe our mind and body are powerful and we need to respect it, feed it and love it. I held the vision of my dream, and at times felt like I was the only one that could see it, but I didnt waver, not once. I looked up and stood tall, I realised I can never fail because I tried. I will always be successful because I stepped forward when the world said mmm honey you shouldnt do that, stick with what youve got, its good enough. Yesterday my business was a flag on the top of a mountain, a statement to myself that I had made it !!! My business was gathering steam and ticking over nicely. But I wanted more, so I stepped forward again. I woke up today and I have a business that is now sustainable, and can help others for many years to come. I will never fail if I keep trying. I encourage you all to dream and dream big because the only person that stops you achieving is truly yourself, no one can take anything from you unless you allow them. Step back into your body, feel it, embrace it, take charge of it and look forward, lift your chin up from the ground and start walking, with your eyes firmly on the prize, the rest will happen. When you walk through the door of my service you will walk away challenged and thinking differently about yourself as many currently do, however feeling uncomfortable is part of the process of change, getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable is the key, learn this and you can move forward with ease. Taking back your life will be scary, it will be tough, it will feel impossible at times. Thats the exciting part of life, learn not to fear it. Learn to run to your fears not from them. I guarantee you will win. Have a great day and dare to dream. I look forward to meeting you. Angela x
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 00:17:43 +0000

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