Good morning, IKEA USA. Did you get a good nights sleep? I hope - TopicsExpress


Good morning, IKEA USA. Did you get a good nights sleep? I hope so. Waking up from a good nights sleep is so refreshing, isnt it? Man, beds are great. I wouldnt know. I cant remember anything anymore. I just...I just hope youre rested. Because youll need the energy today. Because the war has begun. You will not know what hit you. The onslaught will be terrible, persistent and swift. It will come through various forms of communication every hour on the hour. I have spent the past two days being an obnoxious fly, buzzing about your ears. Today, I will be a wasp. Youre well rested, so you recall the difference between flies and wasps right? Wasps sting. This is not a game. This is nothing less than the new American dream, to harness the power of one man and his army of friends, family and loved ones to bring down a mighty corporation. All the corporate tax breaks, Supreme Court sanctioned personhood, and allen wrenches in the world cannot, will not hold me back. This is not a threat, IKEA. This is a promise. I shall begin this morning with your beloved Marshmallow. GET. JACK. HIS. BED.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 12:14:37 +0000

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