Good morning! It’s Sunday! And a beautiful Sunday it is! The sky - TopicsExpress


Good morning! It’s Sunday! And a beautiful Sunday it is! The sky is clear blue - barely a cloud to be found - and the Sun is shining bright. It is indeed Sun-day; and as it pertains to Saturday’s chat about Saturn’s-day, the Seventh day and the Sabbath; it’s worth noting that many millions of Christians choose today, Sunday - the first day - as the principle day of worship as it acknowledges the day of Resurrection and the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies - the ultimate victory of Christ. Note: Remember; I’m always open to correction where needed. Have at it! :-) Now, it would take the rest of the summer to explore, in depth, the history of Sun worship throughout the world and it’s influence on civilizations - religion, astrology, numerology, etc. - past and present, so I’ll cut to the chase. Thousands of years before Christ, folks all over the world were assigning planets, stars, comets and meteors with celestial properties as deities. They had to explain sunrises and sunsets, the seasons, eclipses of the sun and moon. They had to explain “time” so they could keep track of the cycles of day and night. They had to create days of the week to keep track of the cycles of 24 hours. They had to employ mathematics to make sense of 24 hours/7 day weeks/4 week months/12 month years/365 or so days of a year and so on. They had to create a calendar so they could farm and prepare for droughts and rainy seasons, typhoons, hurricanes and floods. Africans, Asians, Europeans, North and South Americans, Islanders throughout the world all had to contend with these issues - they needed answers. Looks to me like we still do! :-) One thing is for certain; and that is man’s propensity for discovery and a universal appetite - hunger and thirst - for answers. A propensity for observation and analysis that has continued, for millennia and a fascinating yet seemingly innate tendency toward the humbleness required to assume and allow that their is a power far greater than his own - a god (or gods). Of course, fear has played a major role in the development of worship and religion; however, fear and curiosity have always been first cousins. The Old Testament is full of fear stuff. :-) If you don’t do this or you get caught doing that you’re in big trouble. LOL! So, why have billions of souls throughout the ages gravitated to and embraced such a harsh deal with such brutal terms? Yeah; I consider eternal damnation in the pit of hell brutal. They bought in perhaps because it seemed like a pretty good deal at the time. LOL! If we do this and abstain from that we’ll have rain and good crops and protection from or victory over those belligerent neighbors on the other side of that mountain range who keep stealing our goats? LOL! Not to mention those dang wild animals lurking about in the woods and the jungle. Lions and tigers and bears... oh, my! And crocs, snakes, scorpions and other creepy stuff slithering around in the tall grass. Why do you think man invented the lawn-mower! LMBO! Yesterday was all about the Sabbath and our differences surrounding when we worship. Today; I’d like to leave you with the sense that far outweighing our differences are the beliefs we have in common. We all seem to raise or lower our heads in deference to a power greater than ourselves. Amen! We give honor and thanks! Amen! What’s wrong with that? Just because you’re a Miami fan and your team didn’t pull through this time doesn’t mean you give up on basketball, does it? Of course not! In fact, you have to give the Spurs their props for a great season. Miami fans are not plotting an invasion of Texas as payback for the loss. LOL! Stop hating people for their happiness and successes! Yikes and Double Ouch!!! Stop hating your neighbors for their differences! Let’s try that for a while and see what happens. Don’t they have kids? Pets? Trust me; they have some of the same problems as you. They have some of the same challenges and joys as you. They deal with Experian, Equifax and Trans Union just like you. LOL! They quiver at the thought of an IRS audit like you do. They have nightmares about Foreclosure too. They worry about their kids like you. They worry about their aging parents just like you do - dementia, alzheimer’s, stroke, heart disease, etc. They have sons and daughters in the service of their country just like you. Their marriages go through the same changes, ups and downs as yours. They’re human just like you! Love ‘em and pray for ‘em! You’re supposed to... you’re charged with that duty dang it! I’m supposed to be here this morning clicking away instead of swishing my toes in the sand at the beach. Amen! (Maybe later!) Let’s try to get over ourselves and our petty differences one family at a time and pray for tolerance. Pray for an end to the conflict in the middle East - the Holy Land. Let’s pray for justice for men and women of all ages incarcerated here in the U.S. - this beautiful Sunday - in the name of unjust laws and profit for a private Prison Industry. That’s just EVIL! Pray for the hungry right here in America and across the world. Pray for an end to man’s inhumanity to man in the name of God. It’s the highest form of ignorance! Yep, I said it, I mean it and I ain’t taking it back! Correct that!!! I don’t care what day you pray, where you pray (church, temple, mosque, home, the park) - just pray! Please! If it sounds corny to the non-believer; I’ll see you on the other side of my prayers. You’ll see! Ironically; some of the greatest minds in science, after obliterating the atom into parts and particles so teenie-weenie that you can’t even imagine, have concluded - there must be a God... somewhere! Aaaaamen! Whatchu say!!! LOL! How you gon’ get happy on FB? Watch me! LOL!~ I get it! We fear what we don’t know so we hate through our speech, actions and indifference. What we really need to know is that the power of mass consciousness through prayer is what frightens Evil the most; because if we ever decided to put our differences aside and study, love and appreciate one another - as we’re taught to do; expected to do - we will be the victors over Evil. That’s a bet I’m willing to make! That’s right... I’m not a betting man but if I did bet I’d bet on US! I’m all in!!! Every religion we discussed over the past two days and religions and denominations we didn’t mention (no disrespect intended) all have essentially the same principle as the driving force - “man does not live by bread alone.” Bottom line: We need one another... we need God! Always have; always will! Amen! Peace, love and blessings! M
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:14:45 +0000

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