Good morning. Last week I was fed up with talking; this week, not - TopicsExpress


Good morning. Last week I was fed up with talking; this week, not so much. Frustration. Ego. Moving on. 😁 I was extremely critical of others actions, as well as my own, for many years. Its absolutely true. David would often say to me, I know youre hard on us, but you never expect anything from us that you dont expect of yourself. True. I have been a perpetual hard-ass for quite some time in certain respects. My heart walld off very, very early to just about everything. I eventually just stopped feeling and with many good reasons. If Id of laid down, I may never have gotten up or moved forward. A relentless soul I am. We are quite durable beings. I recently learned that I have righteous indignation residing beneath the layer of my skin. When I first heard this, I was shocked and I didnt even know what righteous indignation was, but it certainly sounded awful! How do I get rid of something I didnt even know was in me? And should I? Good questions. She immediately says, Its ok, we dont judge ego here. I am a person that loves homework. I like doing this work. So that night when laying in bed I decided Id better look up this righteous indignation business to understand what I was dealing with. I was amazed at the answer. So yesterday I paid extra attention to my thoughts with regard to righteous indignation. What I discovered is, absolutely! For those that dont know what it is, its basically perceived, justified anger due to injustice. This was very eye opening. There seems to be a heap of injustice in this world. If I let the justified angers continue, it will simply rob myself and this world of the truest healing source, Love. Bare in mind, the domino effect. Today I understand myself better than yesterday. Thats a gift. Liberation from the confines of a clogged heart and mind. Outstanding. But those are just some of my details, we all have our own. Healing and learning are synonymous. There is a natural order to all things. There are so many amazing things in this world. So much love and billions of opportunities to find joy everyday. Literally. However, when the heart is guarded and clogged with pain it distorts our view as we do not see with our eyes. We see with our broken heart and all we see is pain. All true action it seems stems from our heart. Take care of your loving hearts and all else will fall into place. Naturally, by Divine order. There is greater peace in not carrying judgement as it truly is not our place. Learning the difference between judgement and observation. The difference, the weight you place upon it. I know thats why it stung when I learned that All judgement proves to be self-judgement in the end Which is why it feels so crappy to carry judgements. Until we each learn it through experience (words dont teach, but merely inspire) for ourselves, we really are just each doing the best we can with what were working with at that point in our existence; makes sense. How often do we realize it in our daily lives though? Another good question. As Maya Angelou says: When you know better, you do better. Rock on friends! Blessings to you all!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:59:19 +0000

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