Good morning Little Fighters Cancer Trust Supporters! The below - TopicsExpress


Good morning Little Fighters Cancer Trust Supporters! The below was written by one of our Onco-moms. We are in desperate need of FOOD donations, or financial contributions to purchase food with, so that we can ensure that all our Families who need assistance with groceries, have food in their homes for the month of December. Please read this, and consider making a donation, either in product, or a few Rands. As a parent with a child with cancer, the challenges are many. When a child has cancer, the entire family is affected. If you have not experienced this journey yourself, you cannot begin to imagine the scope of the challenges that come our way. When a child gets diagnosed, theres immediate changes. Most of the time if theres been 2 incomes, the mom (if shes been working) gives up her job to be there for the child with cancer. Ive witnessed first-hand the utter devastation childhood cancer brings to families. My family and I went from a good ordinary life of comfort to wondering where our next meal would come from, with no income. We lost everything on this journey and many days I dont know how we made it to hospital with my son. Having no money and certainly no money to get something to eat. It broke my heart irreparably to have to tell my ill teenager that he could only have 2 pieces of bread when he clearly was far hungrier than that. Many days while at hospital with my son, I remember worrying about a meal for my other children at home. One cannot imagine the emotional turmoil dealing with a child with cancer AND worrying about empty stomaches and lack of basic necessities. On this journey with cancer, our story about not having such basics as a plate of food, is not unique. In the many months of our journey with cancer Ive seen hunger and also grateful tears when a hand is extended with something to eat at the other end. Organizations who support families like mine, are truly a God-send. If it wasnt for them, I dont even want to think how many times wed go to bed hungry. One would think that at times when a child get cancer, family and friends would be a constant source of unconditional support. While this is sometimes the case, it is not always so. So organizations such as LFCT are a valuable support and resource who sometimes are the only refuge and door to knock on for food. I cant stress enough how essential their work is in providing for families like ours. I only have to look at my children to remember the look in their eyes telling them theres nothing to eat, but LFCT is on their way with groceries. Smiles were priceless... #gratitude #appreciation A grateful oncomom* We have a non-perishables groceries list, from which you can work to collect non-perishables, and we purchase fresh meat, fruit, vegetables and dairy just before delivery. For the non-perishables list, please email [email protected]. To make a financial contribution, please use the banking details below, and reference with FOOD. ACCOUNT NAME: Little Fighters Cancer Organization BANK: First National Bank BRANCH NAME: Paarl Mall ACCOUNT NUMBER: 622 777 83 249 BRANCH CODE: 250057 ACCOUNT TYPE: Cheque For companies or private donations which would want Section 18A Certificates issued for your contribution, please email proof of payment to [email protected] THANK YOU for making it possible for LFCT to reach so may Families with what they truly need, at the right time. Please share this post so that more people become aware and more people become involved. Thank you!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 05:55:25 +0000

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