Good morning Middle Class America. James Madison, the father of - TopicsExpress


Good morning Middle Class America. James Madison, the father of our constitution warned, “The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become instruments of tyranny at home.” Abraham Lincoln had similar thoughts, “America will never be destroyed from outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Benjamin Franklin wisely warned, “We should not attempt to trade our liberty for security; if we do, we may end up with neither.” Nikita Khrushchev, former Russian leader had a quote pulled from a speech that he made before the U.N. in the early days of the cold war, “America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall from within.” All these predictions from past leaders are now becoming a reality. I want to focus on what Benjamin Franklin wisely warned, “We should not attempt to trade our liberty for security; if we do, we may end up with neither.” Why do I want to talk about this particular warning? This is exactly what is happening in America today, so many of us in America, due to no fault of our own, are being forced to trade their liberty for security. This is part of the plan of the ruling class, this is what they want. The ruling class is the wealthy, the elite, and the powerful. These people are the ones that control our government, and our leaders, due to the truck loads of money they supply to them. This is why nothing concerning the welfare of “We the People” or our great nation, ever gets done. And this is why the rich and powerful continue to get wealthier and more powerful. It is the top 1% taking care of the top 1%. The rest of us, we regular people, we citizens of America, every Democrat and Republican, every black and white, and every young and old, if we are not part of the top 1%, the ruling class, then we are now the lower class, and have become the new slaves of America, we just don’t realize this yet. Give it a few years and the realization of what I just said is going to hit all of us square between the ears, rattling and waking up that gray matter that has been floating in emptiness, enactive and dormant. What has happened, and is happening, to the masses will hit us all like that proverbial light bulb that suddenly is turned on and shines a light on our darkness. We will then scratch our heads as we wonder how we allowed ourselves to be so deceived, lied to, and manipulated, as we allowed someone else to do our thinking for us, as they lead us all down this path to our destruction that we are going down. Why are they doing this? This is a very simple answer, “the love, lust, and addiction, to POWER and GREED.” The ruling class wants to control us. Even though there is enough to go around for everyone, why would they want to share it if by controlling the masses, they can have it all. How are they doing this? Again, this is a very simple answer. The ruling class is taking full advantage of our compliancy and apathy. With the help of corporate America, and many news and media outlets that want to be a part of the ruling class, they lie and manipulate all of us every day of our lives. They tell us what they want us to hear, or what we want to hear, but never tell us what we need to hear. They continuously work hard at keeping us divided and distracted and fighting among ourselves (Divide and Conquer). Corporate America makes sure that we have plenty of toys to play with and keep us occupied. Our government, our leaders, and corporate America, have been working hard for decades to destroy the middle class, and the American Dream. This is the one thing that they must do if they want to be in total control. They are well aware of the power that the middle class masses possess if we unite and take action. They know that we are the only power that can stop them so, what better way to eliminate or neutralize the masses and the potential threat that we represent if we would unite and take action, then to take us down to the point that the bulk of the masses are dependent on them. You think not? Poverty is at an all-time high in America. Unemployment is at 7.4%. We have 45 – 50 million people on food stamps. It is estimated that over 100 million people are on some form of federal aid. As Corporate America prospers, we hard working middle class blue collar workers keep going backwards. We have not had a decent raise in years. Our government, our leaders, and corporate America, do not want us to prosper, they do not want us to get ahead. As things get worse, more and more American’s will be forced on some sort of federal aid to survive. This is what they want. Our government, our leaders, and the heads of most corporations, are part of the top 1%, they are part of the ruling class, the wealthy, the elite, and the powerful. So why would they want to change a thing? They like it just the way it is, it’s working for them. They want to totally control us. Once they totally control us, then they have the power over us to give us whatever they want, which will be as little as possible. Is this what we want? It is time to get involved and take action before it is too late. Go to my BLOG at the bottom left on my webpage. Please invest a few minutes to read (Remembering America?) Remembering America paints a grim picture of what our future could hold if we continue to sit on the sidelines and do nothing to stop our out-of-control government, our do-nothing and self-serving leaders, and corporate America, that is literally destroying our great nation from within. They can’t stop themselves due to their addiction to POWER and GREED, so it is going to be up to us to stop the impending demise of the USA. (The Letter / Phase One,} of a three phase action plan, is our first united action that sends a strong message to Washington, our local capitals, and corporate America, that the middle class masses is waking up, and taking action. You can also Google or Yahoo, (Middle Class Connection) to get to my BLOG. Look for (BlogSpot) in the top three. It will take you directly to my BLOG. If you like what you read, simply follow the instructions. If you don’t like what is in my letter…no problem, please feel free to use any part of my letter to express your own opinions. The most important point is, the middle class masses must start taking action. During the remainder of 2013, and 2014, we need to inundate Washington, and our local capitals, with a continuous flow of our letters. If we want change, and if we want it to get better for us and our children, it is going to be up to us to do it. No one else is going to do it for us. Never forget, our government, our leaders, and corporate America, they like it just the way it is, it’s working for them. Is it working for you? United we will win. Divided, we will surly fall! Thank you, middleclassconnection David.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 15:27:08 +0000

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