Good morning Middle Class America. President Reagan said right - TopicsExpress


Good morning Middle Class America. President Reagan said right after he took the oath of office, “government is not the solution, Government is the problem.” Today, if one wants to become a politician in the big leagues, one must have one of the following, 1: lots of money. 2: access to lots of money. 3: friends with lots of money, 4: or contacts that know people and corporations with lots of money. If one does not have one of the above, then one may as well call it quits and go home. Money rules the developed world, we all know this. The God to the top 1% is money and power. Money and power rules the top 1%. The top 1% is the ruling class. The rest of us are now the lower class, the middle class is all but disappeared. The lower class “We the People” are now ruled by the top 1%. Due to America’s high paying jobs being sent overseas, the job market is really bad, to say the least. According to the Huffington post, Half of all job created in the past 3 years were low-paying jobs in food service and restaurant. The Atlanta-Journal-Constitution, stated in an article on August 3, 2013, “Washington – The 162,000 jobs the economy added in July were a disappointment. The quality of the jobs was even worse. A disproportionate number of the jobs were part-time or low-paying or both. Part-time work accounted for more than 65% of the positions employers added in July. Low-paying retailer, restaurant, and bars, supplied more than half of July’s job gains.” We don’t hear this in the news…do we? This is one of those “half-truths” that we hear all the time. It sounds good, but when one digs into the details and peals back the layers of the onion, it actually sucks. According to the Huffington post, “Median household incomes has declined and stagnated for the previous 20 years. Families’ debt level is on the raise. The cost of important middle-class goods and services has grown rapidly. Fewer households are earning middle-class incomes. Shares of the nation’s income going to the middle-class have been declining for decades.” Assault on the middle class, by Donald Barlett and James B. Steele says, “The betrayal of the American Dream”, is the story of how a small number of people in power have deliberately put in place policies that have enriched themselves while cutting the ground from underneath America’s greatest asset, its Middle Class.” Barlett and Steele continue to say, “Their actions going back for three decades, have relegated untold numbers of American men and woman to the economic scrap heap, reduced earnings, chronic job insecurity, and a retirement with fewer and fewer benefit. Millions have lost their jobs, others have lost their homes. Nearly all face an uncertain future. Astonishingly, this has been carried out in what is considered the world’s greatest democracy, where the will of the people is supposed to prevail. It no longer does. America is ruled by the few, the wealthy and the powerful who have become this country’s ruling class.” An article by the Examiner says it all, “Middle Class: America’s Newest Slaves.” This is the rich, the wealthy, the powerful, the top 1%, taking care of the rich, the wealthy, the powerful, and the top 1%, and the hell with the rest of us. In so many of my articles I have warned that we are all heading for a new form of slavery. Nothing more needs to be said. Is this what we want? If your answer is “NO or HELL NO,” then let’s do something about it. No one else is going to do it for us. Is this the future that we want for our children and their children, living in servitude to the ruling class? If your answer is “NO or HELL NO,” then let’s shake off the shackles of compliancy and apathy, and KICK SOME ASS, then take back what is ours, take back what we have earned and deserve. We sure as hell don’t deserve what is happening to all of us. I know that our children, and their children, do not deserve what they will inherit from us if we continue to do nothing, as our freedom, our liberties, the American Dream, and our great nation is destroyed from within as predicted. James Madison, the father of our constitution warned, “The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become instruments of tyranny at home.” Abraham Lincoln had similar thoughts, “America will never be destroyed from outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Benjamin Franklin wisely warned, “We should not attempt to trade our liberty for security; if we do, we may end up with neither.” Nikita Khrushchev, former Russian leader had a quote pulled from a speech that he made before the U.N. in the early days of the cold war, “America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall from within.” All these predictions from past leaders are now becoming a reality. Go to my BLOG at the bottom left on my webpage. Please invest a few minutes to read (Remembering America?) Remembering America paints a grim picture of what our future could hold if we continue to sit on the sidelines and do nothing to stop our out-of-control government, our do-nothing and self-serving leaders, and corporate America, that is literally destroying our great nation from within. They can’t stop themselves due to their addiction to POWER and GREED, so it is going to be up to us to stop the impending demise of the USA. (The Letter / Phase One,} of a three phase action plan, is our first united action that sends a strong message to Washington, our local capitals, and corporate America, that the middle class masses is waking up, and taking action. You can also Google or Yahoo, (Middle Class Connection) to get to my BLOG. Look for (BlogSpot) in the top three. It will take you directly to my BLOG. If you like what you read, simply follow the instructions. If you don’t like what is in my letter…no problem, please feel free to use any part of my letter to express your own opinions. The most important point is, the middle class masses must start taking action. During the remainder of 2013, and 2014, we need to inundate Washington, and our local capitals, with a continuous flow of our letters. If we want change, and if we want it to get better for us and our children, it is going to be up to us to make it happen. No one else is going to do it for us. Never forget, our government, our leaders, and corporate America, they like it just the way it is, it’s working for them. United we will win. Divided, we will surly fall! Thank you, middleclassconnection David.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 14:07:03 +0000

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