Good morning North Carolina. I want to talk about the notion that - TopicsExpress


Good morning North Carolina. I want to talk about the notion that cannabis will make you stupid... because I have a valuable friend here on fb who is not a fan of the pot. And this friend speaks of all the negative reefer madness propaganda... and this is really good to know. It tells me where the work is to be done. So... will pot make you stupid? I mean, there was that study that concluded that weed will destroy brain cells and lead to death. And it was true. The monkeys that were given cannabis showed brain cell death, and not long later- they died. So it is a fact that ganja kills brain cells and leads to death. You can believe this because the study was conducted by our own government, and they would never lie to us for any (greed) reason... right? I mean we are patriotic and believe in our country... and that means trusting out government to report the truth and to look out for our best interests... right? But what you dont know, and arent being told is very important. Because, in order to show that reefer is dangerous, the methods of giving it had to be tweaked a bit. The report was so ridiculous that independent researchers investigated, and finally did get the truth. So, the truth is that the monkeys were strapped down and suffocated with masks secured to their faces- with the smoke of cannabis for 5 minutes... they were given the equivalent of 63 joints- all smoking and suffocating for lack of fresh air, and shortly thereafter- those monkeys died. So the truth is that cannabis can kill you and make you stupid... if you strap a mask on yourself and suffocate yourself with the smoke of cannabis or with the smoke of anything every day for 5 minutes, you will lose brain cells and die. Ok. Beyond this, I havent found any research to indicate that cannabis makes you stupid. I myself feel smarter. I guess being in constant pain made me less coherent, less capable of thinking, listening, trying to figure things out or to make deductions... problem solving. I took an intelligence test recently- one of those online what is your IQ thingies... it said my IQ was 150. I dont really believe that, seems too high to be correct. But certainly I have been a person who enjoyed learning- straight As and all that in college. But, after 3 years of using cannabis am I now, stupid? Lazy? Unmotivated? There may be some validity to those ideas and I think we need to be honest and fair about the effects of cannabis. But to answer the question about being stupid, Id have to say I feel smarter now, using cannabis. I can think, problem solve and come up with creative and effective solutions that were outside of my imagination before... and were impossible when I was struggling with so much pain, and depression. I wish you all the best on your way.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:41:16 +0000

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