Good morning, Patriots! Yesterday was a day full of crisis at our - TopicsExpress


Good morning, Patriots! Yesterday was a day full of crisis at our household, so I missed last nights rant. You got a small break, BUT...... IM BAAAACCCKKKK! Im sitting here with all my hair torn out and its lying in a mess nest around me on the floor!! Have you noticed the LEFT is getting so open about their corruption??? They wont answer a straight question when interviewed....we get some line that is a wild goose chase and they hope to lose us in the chase!! There is a book out called EXTORTION!! It is aimed at revealing to the American public the corruption that is sooooo prevalent in our govt today! It tells of the Gustapo tactics this administration used on the corporation and businesses that were giving or apt to give monies to support their opposition!! Letters were sent suggesting criminal investigations could be launched, should they not play ball!! COMMUNIST, GUSTAPO, STRONG-ARMING, THREATENING, CHICAGO POLITICAS or is it just.......the BEGINNING OF THE OBAMANATION??!! When will we see people slain in the streets??? Some of THAT has already gone on....YES, MR.O and Mr. Holder will claim we werent informed.... and no one will be held accountable!! Whats so new about that??? Need I keep reminding us of Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS targeting, Govt eavesdropping,lying to America about ObamaScare and on and on and on!!!! One govt official was fired for having a fake twitter account and was making negative comments about this administration...WELL THEY FIRED HIS FANNY!! HOW DAAARREE HE???? Hillary is still smiling like the cat who ate the bird because of Benghazi....Lerner is retired and living in smug bliss, the IRS in CHARGE of ObamaScare, the biggest screw up in the history of civilization, and Mr. O doesnt know about any of this....he wasnt INFORMED!! I understand you arent allowed to whisper in the ear of ANYONE while they are golfing.....even IF it is..... A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH!! Mr.O is either the most incompetent person alive and should find something he CAN do... OR he is the front man for someone very prideful and hell bent on being the one who destroys the greatest nation on earth!! Someone who the Obama supporters claim to despise and blame for their poverty level....someone we commoners would call RICH OR FILTHY RICH..?? We are being overran by many who wish DEATH TO AMERICA and those who will suck the blood from the sacred cow until there is nothing left! AND if WE say anything about it, we are called terrorist, aggressive, part of the KKK, unAmerica, and ...oh, yeah....RACIST....cant forget their FAVORITE CRUTCH!! I had a mare who gave birth and 6 weeks later, she had a twisted gut and died. The coltl stood and sucker the tits of the mare, getting the very LAST DROP of milk before her mother was hauled away and buried..... What a sad sight!! I raised the orphan colt and she carries the name of Orphan Joyce, shes the mother to Lorettas Shoes who ran on the tracks this year...... ANYWAY!!!! When America is on her dead back and many are still hanging on for all the freebies they can absorb......who will be there to finish raising them??!! WE WONT BE THERE...... we will go down with them!! So, at the risk of offending (it really doesnt bother me to offend, if it is the truth Im speaking....I just say that in hopes of catching a Lib off guard and something MIGHT sink in....! ;-) )......Im going to say... Obama and his cronies are out to RUIN and STEAL the American Dream and WE are sitting on our hands, allowing them to DO IT!! We dont want to get involved, we are busy, they might come and take us away, what about our families, things arent really as bad as you say.....the excuses go on and on.... Obama and his faction is COUNTING on ALL of these excuses!! He stands in front of the camera and dribbles lies and insults our intelligence on a regular basis!! Maybe he is RIGHT about passive we wont make nuisances of ourselves to our representatives or give money to support the election of someone decent or DEMAND people in power be held accountable, as are we and live by the same laws they pass of US!! Some say a civil war is brewing.....I sure HOPE NOT! We can head it off the RIGHT ( get it..) way, but it will take a dedication like we have never known!! Are we ready to be PATRIOTS in the truest sense of the word?? Would our foreFathers be proud of how we are patriots or would we be a sad joke to the phrase???? The storm is coming upon us, so we had better make up our minds!! To do NOTHING is to be a part of the takeover!!! See......what Obama has MADE ME DO....???? Sounds like him, dont I??? Hes made me get all upset and write a much-too-long RANT. I will be busy today re-threading the hair back into my head!!! SO......I hope you are encouraged and ready to go to work for our NATION!! If not, please send me cookies so I can eat myself to death! What a way to go....... TTYS!! Blessings, ME Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. John Adams P.S. Didnt Obama and his cronies say the Constitution is outdated and doesnt work anymore??? Libs.....this says some pretty sad things about YOU!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:26:49 +0000

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