Good morning, Prayer Warriors! We have had an eventful few - TopicsExpress


Good morning, Prayer Warriors! We have had an eventful few days...J became VERY sick last Thursday with 103 temps (axillary), vomiting, diarrhea...the whole nine yards. It was everything we could do to keep him out of the hospital but by the grace of God we made it!!! Took a few days but yesterday he was back to himself and was even up for Speech/food therapy! J has had multiple medical issues going on and so prior to making surgery decisions...what one(s) to do/in which order, etc. we had several specialists to consult (heart, lung, bowel, ENT and our pediatrician). We will be going forward with a tonsillectomy and the removal of his adenoids on October 28th in attempt to fix his airway obstruction. While this seems like a very common and easy surgery, Doc is very concerned about Js elevated post-surgery bleeding risk due to many factors...he is younger than the typically required age of 2 years and preferred age of 3 or older (he is considered almost 13 months old corrected)....the younger/smaller you are, the less blood you have...the faster you can get into crisis if you have post-surgical bleeding. J does not yet have a completely healthy heart. Js lungs are still quite sick and he has a history of aspirating (neither are good if bleeding inside the throat occurs). Finally, J vomits daily...which could pose problems with the throat healing and staying scabbed or clotted. In addition to bleeding risks, J will have to be intubated for surgery...those in the medical field already know that intubation can cause damage/more scaring of the (in Js case, already damaged/scarred) lungs. Its no wonder the surgeon told us we will not be taking this surgery lightly. But, we take much comfort in knowing that God will continue to carry us through any and all challenges J faces, big or small, the ones we see coming and the ones we do not. We would appreciate if you would pray with and for us. Prayer Requests: 1. Js vomiting to become controlled prior to surgery. 2. Excellent health at Js pre-surgery appointments. (heart & lung appointment on the 15th and physical on the 24th). 3. Controlled blood pressure leading up, through and beyond surgery. 4. A successful surgery with no complications and speedy EXtubation. 5. ZERO post-surgery bleeding! 6. Js Comfort during the 2 week long healing/recovery period and patience for mom and dad as we were instructed that J will need to be as close to bed rest as possible for 14 days post-surgery. (Parents say BWHAHAHA! here.) 7. I know I have left something out so insert it here. :) We are so grateful for all of Js Prayer Warriors! Thank you for your unfailing encouragement, prayers and thoughts! God bless.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:17:29 +0000

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