Good morning, Read and meditate on proverbs 15:18 Reflection - TopicsExpress


Good morning, Read and meditate on proverbs 15:18 Reflection after reading: Anger, like most emotions is very powerful and it is one of the most destructive, it can build up and explode into rage which can no longer be controlled. There are so many disputes that can be settled amicably but due to anger, the matter is blown out of proportion, it is worse when all parties involved are hot tempered. It is always advisable that when two people are in argument, one should stay calm. Anger ruins a lot if relationships. When we are quick to anger we tend to keep malice, this hardens our hearts and we cannot let the Love of God in, The Holy Spirit cannot dwell in such a place. The bible says harden not thy heart. How many friendships have been ruined because of anger? How many relationships have ended? How many marriages have crumbled? We say things we should not say, because we allow this destructive emotion take control of our being. As Children of God, we must always control our emotions and we do so through prayer and reflection. Yes, there are times we will get angry, but we should not dwell in it, instead we should address whatever it is that is causing it and if not make sure we pray. Do not go to bed angry. There is no emotion, that by the Grace of God we cannot control. We are born to rule over our emotions not vice versa. We must be slow to anger. When situations arise and we feel we are getting upset, we should endeavour not to use too many words, even if we have to walk away at that moment which I know can be extremely difficult, then go and pray and reflect on the situation, that way, we have the capacity to resolve and reconcile differences. Be angry but dont offend. Keep your words to yourself, when you are in bed and be still. - psalm 4:5 Let us not let the devil into our hearts, into our lives because of anger. Use this opportunity today, to reconcile, with family and friends, with anyone you let anger destroy your relationship, let go of your pride and forgive, even if it means reaching out to that person. There may be someone/people who right now have been trying to make amends with you, they have been apologising for something they have done to offend you and you have refused to listen. There may be someone you have offended but your pride wont let you seek forgiveness. Reach out today. For those you can no longer reach out to, look within yourself and let it go. Pray to God today; O Lord, My God, I forgive ...(say his/her/their name)..., I let go of any enmity or animosity towards him/her/them, please forgive me for not handling disputes in the past the way you have instructed, give me the Grace henceforth to be slow to anger. In Jesus name I pray. Amen Psalm of the week: psalm 103 Prayer of the week: Father, in your son our Lord Jesus Christ, you have shown and taught us how to forgive, grant us the grace to forgive those who have wronged us no matter how difficult this may seem. God bless you and your week.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 06:58:50 +0000

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