Good morning SpyderLovers, friends and family. ☕️ After a - TopicsExpress


Good morning SpyderLovers, friends and family. ☕️ After a long hard day in the saddle I went to bed wondering if I was going to have anything to write about or not. There were things I could reflect on that might work but nothing really came to mind that was really any good so I pretty much decided to just write about my day till just now, I woke up and knew exactly what life lesson I learn yesterday. Are you ready for this one? Here goes. Spyderpops Harvey Clark and I both use our gps to plot our route to Magog before we left and both of them told us to take the northern route through Canada. We even checked it on our phones and it said the same thing. It was pretty much a straight shot and neither of us had been that way before so we had no reason to think that wasnt the best way to go. We had no advice to take another path at the time from people that had been down that road before us. I know this is too easy and you know where Im going with this right? So we take off in the morning and by all rights it looked like it was going to be a wonderful day. Things started out find, the weather was good and there was no real traffic to speak of. We were moving along just fine and we had no reason at the time to think me might have taken the wrong route or to even look at another route. Then the rain came and the good day we started off in wasnt so good anymore. Weve both been wet before so that was no big deal but what we didnt know was how long we would be riding in the rain and if what we were wearing would give us enough protection from the cold and wet weather ahead of us. Just after we crossed the border we stopped to put some gear on. I changed helmets and put on a jacket, not a rain jacket because Harvey was looking at his gps that has radar on it and it said we were right at the edge of the storm and we would soon be out of it. I took his advice and dressed accordingly. As we got further into Canada the rain got heavy and I was getting cold and soaked. It had been warm that day so I figured that soon we would be out of the storm and I would be glad I was wet and that would help me cool down later. Well the storm never did let up and as a matter of fact it got worst and I got wetter and colder. Where was the edge of this storm Harveys gps was talking about? Then I remembered last time we crossed the Canadian border we ran into the same thing. You see on the Garmin 665 the weather radar quits working right at the border because they have no contract with Canada for data in that country. What Harvey saw was the storm that ended at the border but in reality we were just getting into the worst of it and there was no stopping it, the best we could hope for was to wait out as much as we could when we could. It was going to be a cold wet ride and unfortunately I had waited too long to put all my gear on and the damage was done, I was cold. I could go on longer about the rain but you saw my post yesterday and you know we did eventually punch through that storm. So the rain is gone but still nipping at our heals and we get on the 401 toward Toronto and traffic starts backing up. Now Im from San Diego so Ive been in traffic before so I was prepared for the frustration that lied ahead or so I thought. You see till I moved to Springfield a couple of months ago Ive been living in the country and I must say the city boy is pretty much gone and the country boy in me wanted to shoot something. I honestly cant remember being stuck in traffic that long before, even in the LA area. It was first gear forever and the gps kept telling us to get over to the far right and take the two lanes that split off the express lanes and we did that the first time but there was nothing gained by doing that. We quit listening to the gps and just went by what we could see on the map. For about 13 miles we had bad stop and go traffic and I felt trapped. Both Harvey and I realize then that we should have stayed in the US and came up through New York or even VA. The radar on our phone showed that the rain was on the north side of the lakes and if we had stayed south we would have been dry and most likely not stuck in traffic for what felt like days. Then I started getting text from locals asking where we were going and why we went that way. They had been down that path before and knew it was bad and there was a much better way. If only we had talked to them first we might have had a much better day. So you can pretty much tell where Im going with this and what my little life lesson for today is. The path I was on before started off just fine and seemed like the right path at the time. The problem is I was missing some key information and had no idea that I would soon be wet and cold for many years to come. Maybe if I would have geared up better with the Word of God I would have weathered the storms better. Maybe if I had put on the whole armor of God and not just the breastplate of faith I wouldnt have the battle scars I have now and I wouldnt have such a hard time trying to get warm again. So now Ive traveled the one road and Im going to have the opportunity to take another path in life and I can either continue down a path that I know is wet and cold and hope for the best and that somehow Ill be able to deal with the traffic I so hated before or I can choose a new path with a new beginning having all the information I need to make this trip the best it can be. I know there will be some bad weather and traffic on this new road from time to time but if I take the advice from people that have been down both roads and know that there are blue skys ahead on the new path Im on it gives me a new hope that one day my life will be filled with joy and contentment and that Ill be able to share that life with the one that was meant just for me on the rest of this journey we call life. I just need to punch through this bad weather and traffic and look toward the better roads and blue skys ahead. Hope you all have a wonderful day toady and that youre able to stay warm inside. Love you guys 😎🙏
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 09:42:17 +0000

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