Good morning. TGIF. I am so looking forward to seeing John Prine - TopicsExpress


Good morning. TGIF. I am so looking forward to seeing John Prine and Jason Isbell tonight in Spartanburg. I am meeting a group of friends from Clemson and we have 4th row orchestra seats. We got them back in the summer when they first came on sale. I want to share an analogy with you. If you came upon a large fight and an older bully was beating up several small children. People are standing watching and being indecisive about who should help because they live by the bully, they are afraid and they are all smaller than the mean ferocious bully. They also have children and are afraid the bully will come to their house and hurt their children. Well you get caught up in the indecisiveness until you realize that you are really the only one who can help these children. You are large enough and you dont live in the neighborhood. Not to mention you can take the bully. He is beating the children mercilessly and bloodying them. The fight will end soon with maybe the children being killed. As a parent I sit while typing this looking at pictures of my children on the wall. My mother often said that she would fight a circle saw to get to her kids, or someone would have to go through her legs to get to them. I know what she means. I would never want to hurt anyone or kill them, but I would for the safety of my children without flinching. Christian children are being beheaded in Iraq and Syria for being believers. The people who say that is Islam is a peaceful religion are dead wrong. ISIS is following a purist form of Islam. That does not mean that the united States should persecute Muslims. To the contrary, this country is based upon tolerance, I have taught my children tolerance and love. Whether youre a Christian or not, Jesus taught tolerance. Muhammad did not. I wont argue the old testament with you distortion experts and academicians. I am one as well. Your credentials may be superior but I most humbly submit. I know what I am saying. There is good and there is evil. ISIS is evil and their root belief is Islam. That however is not my point. I cannot even look at the pictures of my children and imagine them having their heads cut off for any reason. I could not be an Isis member. That is the point, children are being slaughtered. Where is the outrage of the world? Where is the outrage of the Muslims. Barrack Hussein Obama spends his time defending Islam and refusing to call it what it is. I do not preach hate. I respect his office. I do not like his policies ( please do not attack him or the office). I think he is so politically correct he cannot function for the good of this country or the world. We are the big guy watching the fight. There is blood of children flowing. If this were our children and the politically correct media were showing the murders we would launch into the streets and defend them. To me, explaining what its like to be a parent is like trying to explain love for the first time. There are no words created. I will die for my children. Those parents in the middle east are forced to watch their children getting their head cut off. Yes I am being up front for a reason. Many of my friends who support Obamas policies are I think overwhelmed by the political correctness that blinds people to truth and action. Many are not parents. Wow, I will be accused of attacking and dehumanizing them but that is not the case. The fact that we have disagreement in this country is not the issue. Whether you are a Republican or Democrat is not the issue. Whether you support gay marriage is not the issue. Children are dying and that is the issue. There is only black and white when it comes to this. Those people are evil. They are the horsemen of the apocalypse, they are the devil. Unlike our POTUS, I am not made impotent in my decision making due to being confused about who they really are. WE should smite them with a mighty sword and use every stealth bomb, rocket, and plane we have. Then we should turn the special forces loose in mass to mop up the mess. Let Muhammad sort them out.This would take care of the problem, save the children and send a message that we are not to be trifled with. The time for indecision and weakness is over. Now my politically correct friends may take umbrage and smite away at me. I love you all. If you read all of this thank you and thats just how I feel without ranting.I am not trying to turn anyone into a Christian ( even though God tells me to, but I need to work on me first), but I am saying there is clear right or wrong regardless of your faith or if you have faith. Look at your child and decide what should be done? Look at your nieces and nephews? Isis will be here, or the ideology within our lifetimes. Make your choice now while they are over there for the most part. Lets get loud and let our leaders know what we think. Wake the sleeping lion and lets send Grima Wormtongue back where he belongs. Do we look the other way or do we act? Look at your children and explain our actions to them one day. This is no different than the holocaust.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 14:08:26 +0000

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