Good morning. This sabbath my body is not physically in church, - TopicsExpress


Good morning. This sabbath my body is not physically in church, but I am part of Gods kingdom and Im sincerely asking for prayer. If I were in my Kansas City Baptist Church, Id go to alter call. The choir would be singing: pray for me. (I am a member of Brown Baptist. I havent been going to church regularly, but my church family always supports me.) Its been natural for me to share my experience of overcoming breast cancer. I know your prayers and encouragement help and I am grateful. Through this process, Ive learned vulnerability isnt a weakness, unless I use it against myself. But Ive been trying to get resolve from a painful situation for several months. And now realize that I have to forgive someone who wont acknowledge or apologize for many unimaginable spiteful things they did against me. I am a principled person and I like to see justice prevail. But its sinful of me to exact judgemnt. Even though I felt justified to do so. Ive prayed and released that shame. I cut the person out of my inner circle, but were related and I know the right thing is to truly forgive in order to free myself. (Matthew 5:22-24). Its my nature to fight back when Ive been attacked, but this battle is not mine to fight. I cant win and I realize what Im fighting against. (Ephesians 6:12). So like the cancer that wreaked havoc on my body, Im releasing this cancer and the pain it caused, which not only affected me but others I love. The grace in all of this is that Jesus has already for given me and the Holy Spirit is comforting me. Look at God and how his angels work! My test is about to begin because I must have contact with the person, move forward and practice forgiveness. This is where I sincerely need prayer. Satan is gonna pull out all the stops. We know how he operates. So if you are reading this and you know the power of prayer, pray for me to resist the devil so that he will flee from me. Pray that my ego and pride wont blind me to the truth. I know he is gonna try to trigger me into anger, resentment, rage and judgment. Those are heavy sins I no longer want burdening me. Im not afraid to face my shames anymore. None of us are free of sin, but we are forgiven. So pray for me as I move forward. Life is still Grand! #hallelujahanyhow
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:23:38 +0000

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