Good morning. Today I would like to take all of Tommys friends to - TopicsExpress


Good morning. Today I would like to take all of Tommys friends to another part of our world. Many of you know were working around the clock and weve had no time to keep in touch with all of you. We truly miss all of Tommys friends. We look forward to hearing from all of you and we miss seeing and hearing about your babies. If you have been following us then you know the vast majority of my time has been spent in the colonies. This horrendous Winter, Spring, and Summer has brought severe devastation throughout our colonies and my attention and time needed me to be in these colonies. Also the babies have been in endangered from predators and people. So I have worked steady in these colonies and seldom had a chance to be in the shelters and some I never could go to, because of all the chaos in the colonies. This has never happen in all of years of rescue. Just imagine you not seeing your babies for one day. I missed them terribly. Silly perhaps to some of you, but when Daddy Norm would go to the shelters he would surprise me and call me so I could talk to all the babies. He said they knew it was mommy and they would rub the phone and purr. Some Daddy Norm said looked like hey mommy is in that box and was waiting for me to jump out. Everyday he said they would look for me. Often he would share wonderful adventures about the babies. Now Daddy Norm was gloating because he could touch some of the babies he could never approach before. Naturally I thought the babies are double crossing mommy.;) Honestly I was thrilled and grateful. Weve both have been facing personal challenges, and this was the best solution for handling our dilemma. All I could think of will the babies be happy to see me? When I tiptoe to the different shelters will they remember the familar sounds of my footsteps? I often thought who will be the first baby waiting for me at the door. What a wonderful surprise I had when I opened the doors to the different shelters. They were lined up and waiting. Yes indeed theres no fooling the babies they knew it was mommy. In one of the shelters they surprised me with a bouquet of gorgeous flowers. Now all of you know and if you dont we had a big celebration. We had a smorgasbord feast. I shared all my adventures and thanked them for letting me help all the other babies. We had a marvelous day! It was a miracle I returned on this day, because I discovered some of the babies were sick in some of the shelters and one baby needed critical care. With every ounce of my being I was so grateful I was there and discovered these medical emergencies. Now my time is devoted to their wellness and recovery. I thought on this beautiful, sunny, summer day I would share a peek of sunshine with all of you. Hope all of Tommys friends can share and embrace the enthusiasm of the babies in the shelters and bring recovery and wellness to our sick babies. Happy Thursday! Tommys Babies.....
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 14:41:19 +0000

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