Good morning! Welcome to your Monday Morning Acu-Minute and the - TopicsExpress


Good morning! Welcome to your Monday Morning Acu-Minute and the influence of Happiness on Stress. We have been referring to the physiologic effects of happiness and related improvement in creativity, problem solving and work performance. So what happens in an acute situation, where we become anxious about something, like a test, a difficult decision, or impending stressful conversation? It may seem incongruous to throw a splash of happiness into difficulty, but the science would suggest otherwise. Both science and acupuncture confirm that emotions and body functions are travel companions. We cannot feel an emotion without a physical counterpart. When stressed, our bodies show changes in heart rate, blood pressure, chemistry, sweat glands and more. Happiness, humor or joy actually antidotes, or “undoes” these effects, and quickly. So, in those rough moments, instead of fretting, to the extent you can, make a quick call to a friend, read something funny, watch an entertaining video clip, take a quick walk or remember a successful moment. Anything that brings a smile to your face will bring you benefit. Wishing you all the best, Karen Johnson L.Ac, RN [email protected] (410) 381-3495
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 12:05:47 +0000

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