Good morning! You might wonder, How can I do these sparks of - TopicsExpress


Good morning! You might wonder, How can I do these sparks of kindness right now in my life, when things are not going so well for me at the moment?. Hang in there. This too shall pass. One way to give yourself a jump start towards happier days is sparking. You see, we were created to love others. That is our job here on earth, explaining the pure exhilaration that members have spoke about when doing a spark for someone. I have had so many people come up to me and say, I love this idea! Things just arent going so well for me right now so when things are better and I have more time, then I am going to join in. Folks, this is it. This is your time. We never know if we will even make it back home tonight. I have had so many life changing moments and I have learned the hard way to live with no regrets - to tell each person who I care about, that I love them and am thankful to have them in my life. No regrets. I have forgiven all those in my life and pray for those who I have been hurt by. No regrets. Care for strangers. Be the light for someone who might need just one, tiny, little spark of hope, of kindness to go on another day. We think we know people that we see, that we are friends with. From the outside, they look all put together. They show up at work or childrens functions or at church. They dress nice, their hair is all done, they smile. BUT people these days are living in isolation, a quiet desperation that they keep inside, whether it is an insecurity or regret or fear and anger. The world has become so distant and we can change that. We can be a beacon of light for those we come into contact with. And if YOU we are feeling lost right now inside...THIS can change that for you. Take that first step, print up some spark cards in the file section or below along with the list. You will be amazed at how you are lit up inside with happiness when doing just a simple act of kindness. Leaving 4 quarters on the vending machine with a happy note. So simple. Such a spark of hope. After doing this exact thing recently at the hospital, on the cardiology floor, there was a man who walked up, on the phone. He was talking about his father and was very upset, but stopped his conversation and said to the person on the phone, Wow! You wont believe this! There are baggies of money and kind notes all over the vending machine. There REALLY are good people in this world, wiping a tear. Thats all it took. I was in tears, while getting on the elevator. I had just lost my best friend several days before and was doing this to keep me from losing my sanity in grief. I promise you, a little spark can ignite a fire within you as well. If you are struggling right now, I promise, the best is yet to come. I pray that you all feel love and a peace in your heart today and attempt to spark at least one person. Maybe one of your loved ones. Maybe one you really dislike. It can change you. Have a sparky day and PLEASE share your thoughts and your sparks below! It really DOES inspire us all!! Thank you all for being in this group and I strongly encourage each and every one of you to participate by talking here with us. That is what keeps the group inspired and the fire growing.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 12:26:36 +0000

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