Good morning [afternoon?] I would love to share another verse from - TopicsExpress


Good morning [afternoon?] I would love to share another verse from the Word of God, aka the Bible: John 1:18 . . . "No one has ever seen God; the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has made Him known." Scripture teaches that God is Spirit, hence He is not material and not visible. At the same time there are Scriptures which appear to teach that men have beheld the presence of God .. (Gen 32:30; Ex 24:9, 10; Judg 13:22; Isa 6:1 Dan 7:9) .. Several explanations have been suggested: 1. God may have assumed visible human forms on occasion for the purpose of communicating to men intelligbly (such appearances are called theophanies) 2. God may have been represented by proxy, either by a created angelic being who acted for God, or by "the angel of the Lord" (taken by many to be the pre-incarnate Christ) 3. Scripture may have used symbolic language or figures of speech which are not intended literally (in Isa 6:1 it was evidently a vision; in Num 12:8 God is simply indicating that Moses enjoyed a closer relationship to Him than did the children of Israel). The glory of Judaism lies in its revelation of the unity and spirituality of God; the glory of Christianity, in its revelation of the once-for-all incarnation of God in Jesus Christ. GBU today ..
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 16:24:50 +0000

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