Good morning, afternoon and evening to you all. With our days - TopicsExpress


Good morning, afternoon and evening to you all. With our days shortening and evening lengthening it is surely the time to start planning our races for 2014 and some muddy races for what is left of 2013. October 20th sees the Durrell Dash kicking off , I will be helping them this year as their race director and planning to see what can be done for future years. Craig and myself at Run Jersey have been ultra efficient and published our calendar up until September 2014 all our races are bookable online but we will keep entry on days as well. If you really cannot book online you can download entry forms from the website! Run Jersey will be setting up a Corporate Cup - once a month, mid week lunch time 5km race - good way to burn up some mid week stress and burn up some rival lawyers, bankers, compliance officers, IT technicians ..... Winter race trail series starts in November with a pleasant 5km from St. Brelades Bay, a good run to start the season off. The subsequent runs will all include a short and long course option. The winter races will carry on until March. April sees the first race under my new events name Hare & Tortoise Events. Please go to to check out a plethora of endurance offerings! London Marathon day on April 13th will see a new kid on the block... Jersey Easter Marathon. Starting from Les Quennevais Sports Centre with a leisurely breakfast and watch the London Marathon, followed by some track and trail races for kids, the road marathon will kick off at 1pm. There will be relay options of two persons (half marathon each) or four persons. This I hope will be a great event and has only been made possible by Chris and Derek who have allowed me to hols this event at the sport center. May sees Hare and Tortoise offering up the 5 Islands Ultra and also The Guernsey Ultra Our Half Marathon in June has now turned into a three day Run Jersey Festival of Running with 5km and 10km road races plus some other plans! In 2013 we trialled a trail half marathon on a really hot day, it was tough on all the runners so we have decided to repeat it this year in July with a trail marathon route that will run at the same time and no it is not going to be two loops! We all know what August brings out, the Rockers as it will be time for Round The Rock and Relay event. This year you can run it as a two person relay team if you wish! Run Jersey returns in September with a three day Trail Running Festival. Hare & Tortoise Events has a little secret hidden in the depths of its Shell which it hopes that the Triathletes out there will go gooey at the knees for. Fingers crossed. There will be some other mixed sports events in the summer to tantalise the paddle boarders, open water swimmers, cyclists and runners; Offroad Duathlons, triathlons and even plans for a Quadrathalon. It might seem complicated all these different organisers, but its not really! Run Jersey ( is Craig and myself organising trail and road races Craig and I have plans to improve and expand our races. Round The Rock is, well, Round The Rock , organised by yours truly, Eliot and Rob ( ). Hare & Tortoise Events is my venture which ties up all the races that I help direct /organise and plan for the future. will hold information for all our events, articles, my ramblings, trail camps and training and will provide links to the various sites. Simples! Well, as always it has been a pleasure to converse with you and hope that you will join us in 2014, whether it be a run, jog, sprint, paddle, swim, cycle ride, crawl or all combined! So where ever we see you you are guaranteed our stamp of passion that both Craig, myself, Rob and Eliot put into our events. If you have any ideas or thoughts that would improve our events or if you have a mad idea that you doubt anyone would want to try tell us! [email protected]
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 20:26:48 +0000

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