Good morning, afternoon, evening, night, whatever, my point to - TopicsExpress


Good morning, afternoon, evening, night, whatever, my point to all those retarded or better called stupid congress man woman etc… against the immigration reform or amnesty , you people argue and cry about the tax payers having to pay for all of the “new legalized to be aliens” well you are so wrong, open your eyes, don’t you see that right now there is a huge drainage of money going to so many different countries, and unfortunately the U.S. is on a sink hole, and over that the dumb politicians worried more about their salaries are so blinded off greed that they don’t see or want to see the big picture, I believe there is more than 11 million of undocumented citizens on this nation, why I’m saying citizens, that’s because they’re already here, and have already make this nation a home away from home, that’s something you politicians won’t be able to change on a million years, you’re going to spend more money trying to kick them out of the country than if you legalize them, ok let’s say there is 14 million of wet backs in here most of us Hispanic or Latinos the rest Asian, Middle Eastern, etc…. if you say charge 3,000 dollars per person for papers, come on idiots you are going to remake, or recreate the strong nation this was before the crisis, and let’s say you approve a new reform, with a 10 year wait for citizenship you are so stupid, because if you wait only 2 more years or 1 probation year pending any criminal records or actions on this period, you can charge another 2,000 per person for the citizenship, just think about how much money this will bring to the federation, money that can be used for education, health and infrastructure like rebuilding roads and cities, and here is the numbers: 14 million * 3,000= 42,000,000,000 and later after the probation year either one or two years. 14 million * 2,000= 28,000,000,000 bringing that to a total of $$ 70,000,000,000.00 imagine that in a 5 year or a 3 year period, and I assure you, that people will stop sending money to all of their countries to be able to get legalized, people use your friggin brains if you really want this bad economy to end, ohh! and I almost forget, D.M.V. fees for tittle transfers, licenses I.D’s etc… plus all taxes from employments and so. Besides I have seen a lot of “real Americans” pan handling on the corners of some cities begging for money, shit, is that tax deductible? Yes white people, black people, Latinos, etc... Come on moroons fix this nation for good! https://youtube/watch?v=W6uQ6M_ybWs&feature=c4-overview&list=UUExmL8PAa1O93bUIYN7BJ_A THE LONGER I LIVE, THE MORE I REALIZE THE IMPACT OF ATTITUDE ON LIFE. ATTITUDE, TO ME, IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE FACTS. IT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PAST, THAN EDUCATION,THAN MONEY, THAN CIRCUMSTANCES, THAN FAILURES, THAN SUCCESSES, THAN WHAT PEOPLE THINK, SAY OR DO. IT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN APEARENCE, GIFTEDNESS OR SKILL. IT WILL MAKE OR BREAK A COMPANY... A CHURCH... A HOME. THE REMARKABLE THING IS WE HAVE A CHOICE EVERY DAY REGARDING THE ATTITUDE WE WILL EMBRACE FOR THAT DAY. WE CANNOT CHANGE OUR PAST... WE CANNOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT PEOPLE WILL ACT IN A CERTAIN WAY. WE CANNOT CHANGE THE INEVITABLE. THE ONLY THING WE CAN DO IS PLAY ON THE ONE STRING WE HAVE, AND THAT IS OUR ATTITUDE... I AM CONVINCED THAT LIFE IS 10% WHAT HAPPENS TO US AND 90% HOW WE REACT TO IT. AND SO IT IS WHIT YOU AND ME... WE ARE IN CHARGE OF OUR ATTITUDES!!!
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 01:16:55 +0000

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