Good morning all---I came across a ‘teaching’ video shared by - TopicsExpress


Good morning all---I came across a ‘teaching’ video shared by a FB friend and colleague this morning and wanted to share a thought or two regarding its content. (Rather than populating my friend’s wall with my comments regarding the video content I felt it would be more appropriate to open it up a discussion here.) As to the content of the video---It is very sad for me to see the personal limitations of a teacher adversely affect the content of the classroom. All too often I hear self-serving arguments that attempt to define the parameters of a Goldilocks Zone of the art experience that is based on an extremely limited skill-set or narrow perspective. It is disheartening to see eager, aspiring creatives met with such limiting, absurd nonsense. Now, my colleague does introduce a good point regarding expression. However, the organizational level of the vehicle for the expression does not necessarily negate its expressiveness in any way. It is akin to saying that Johann Sebastian Bach was not as ‘artistic’ as Kurt Cobain as his efforts were too technically proficient to be expressive. Having something dumbed down does not mean that it is necessarily any more or less ‘expressive’. https://youtube/watch?v=Hb2d9HFGX_8&app=desktop
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:54:58 +0000

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