Good morning all- I see there are more reports of bad things - TopicsExpress


Good morning all- I see there are more reports of bad things going on around us. We read of these horrors and often wonder out loud What is wrong with people?. Ive done it, Ive listened as others have done it. Is it as simple as we have lost all respect for life? Have the things of today put us in a state of detachment? Seeing people and animals as unimportant and unworthy. No, I dont truly believe it is that simple but thats probably close. We simply dont seem to care any more. It is my humble opinion that we need to open our heart once again to each other. We need to care. If you show someone that they matter, they are important, that their suffering is important it can and does make a difference. We have to move beyond that sense of self-importance and distance and reach out to others again. We should teach our children (Yes, I know many of you already do this) to care for others. Respect is not an ugly word and there are many levels to respect. The simplest I think, is to respect- to care for others in recognizing that they are human, they are worthy no matter their situation. Just because they may be homeless, or have physical or mental issues does not make them less of a person. The elderly have lived long lives, they have much to teach us if we listen. They deserve to be treated with respect (even if their disposition is not the most pleasant). I can sit here and lay the blame on many things for how we seem to have lost this, but I wont. Youve heard it many times before. Those reasons may be partially or fully to blame or not. I think though, that we need to human up and look around us. No matter how old we are, no matter our position in life, our finances our careers, our age, our faith or what ever status we find our self. We need to take off the blinders and openly SEE those around us. Not only that.. we need to care. Caring, showing respect, showing recognition that those around us are worthy can be the first steps in being the difference in their life and storms. It really isnt that difficult if we try.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 11:23:00 +0000

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