Good morning, all... Let me shed a little clarity on last nights - TopicsExpress


Good morning, all... Let me shed a little clarity on last nights post.. First off, we here at Social Workers Unite do not claim to represent the views of the entire profession of social work. If something we post about does not resonate with you personally, that is to be expected. There are a broad range of social justice issues that we all focus on, and not all of us will have the same views and vantage points on all of them. We understand that. We respect that. Secondly, the post about the Trayvon Martin trial was not meant to inflame, cast aspersions on any one person or group. Nor was it an attempt to become "judge and jury". No one individual or group has all the answers. We do not claim to have all the answers here on this forum. The post was an expression of a very real sentiment as a result of what WE felt to be a grave injustice. You are free, as always, to have counter views. Just as our views do not invalidate yours, please understand that the same is true with the myriad of views you all hold, with regards to ours. Indeed, this injustice is a result of what we feel to be biased laws and policies that are embedded into the justice system itself. So, the calls by some of you to focus our outrage on the laws that led to this verdict in the first place were right on the mark. Addressing and challenging policies and laws that perpetuate social inequalities and injustice is a part of the charge of social activism, and the social work profession itself. It is, indeed, what we endeavor to do. This is a highly charged topic, and one we will all continue to grapple with in our own ways. We will strive to be judicious in our posts and views, but we must also balance that with the need to express our views about difficult issues head on. We will continue to pray for peace, solace and comfort for all those who grieve with regards to this case. ~ Peace Katie and Marty
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 16:51:55 +0000

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