Good morning all. Thank you precious Lord for another day. Heard - TopicsExpress


Good morning all. Thank you precious Lord for another day. Heard Preacher Arthur McFarland Preach for the first time last night. Can see the Lords light shine right thru him. The entire service was a true blessing. We had a lot of people out because of sickness. Lets pray for each and everyone of them. Something is going around that is hitting people hard. I was truly blessed from the message the Lord laid on Preacher McFarlands heart last night out of Luke chapter 2. The way he presented really got my attention. He said something like His heart was no different than the dirty stable (barn) that Jesus was born in, but when our precious Savior was born, that barn did not really matter anymore. With the power of God, Jesus could have been born in the most luxurious place on this earth, no, God choose a stable, an unclean, familiar place to so many people in the world to be born in. One of the greatest things was it didnt matter what you were wearing or had to offer, anyone could come to that barn and see our Lord Jesus. Because Jesus came to this sin filled earth and carried so many burdens but stayed sin free, taught the Masters word and ways, healed the sick, raised the dead , made the blind see and did so much more. Then in his 30s, he allowed them to punish him, ridicule him, torture him, nail him to a tree. He hung there for about 6 hours in agony and pain that most likely none of us here on earth could take. Just so all of us could have Gods grace, life for eternity, yes Salvation with our Savior and our Maker. He laid three days in a tomb. He shattered satins death when he arose. After this he told man that he was returning home to our Father to prepare us place and he would return for us. There is nothing in the Bible that isnt true. So I proudly await my Jesus to return. The Bible says that not even Jesus knows the day or time that he will return but when he does he will come for the churches. I believe the churches is each and everyone of Gods children and their hearts of love. Its just a matter of time to get things right. I pray that my lost loved ones and friends can get things right with the Lord before that day comes. I pray that they can see what the Lord has done for me, how he has changed my heart from all the sinful things I used to do. The hatred, the bitterness, the materialistic ways. I would have never been able to do this on my own. Only with the help of Jesus Christ and through the cleansing of His blood was I able to set my self free from my sinful past and arise from that alter a brand new man. I want every breath, every step and everything I look at to be work for the Lord. I wall stumble along the way and the harder I work for the Lord the harder ole satin will try to get me back to my old ways. I am here to tell you this morning, I am a child of God and my God is way bigger than satin and anything on this earth. As long as I have my right mind I will not allow anything n this earth or ole satin take away my love for the Lord or the longing to serve my Lord with all my might. I am proud to say I love the Lord and I know he loves me. If not he would not have sent his only son to die to set me free. He did this for you too. All you have to do seek him out. In fact if you open your heart I bet you will find that he is most likely seeking you out at this minute. Most people are saved and give their lives to the Lord in a church house, but I have heard so many great stories of how they accepted Jesus in so many different places. I have one brother of Christ who was driving and the Holy Spirit hit him so strong he pulled his car over by the side of the road and made his bumper an alter and accepted Jesus Christ. I have heard of people accepting Jesus in their own bedroom, living room, in the woods. It dont matter where you are at. I you feel Jesus tugging at your heart, dont deny him, open up and let him, no matter where you are at. Just stop what you are doing, if you are able, become humble to him, drop to you knees if you are able, ask him for forgiveness. Give those ten thousand angels a reason to rejoice. Give me a reason to rejoice. I love each and everyone of you and I promise God loves each and everyone of you. I believe God loves sinners more than anything because he wants them to be cleansed by the blood of his Son. Dont deny him for once you have accepted him you will never be alone again and he will never forsake you. WE serve a wonderful God and Through him we can get through anything. Just like the song I tried to sing last night, If God is for us, then who can be against us? As for me and this house, we will serve the Lord. Much Love and God Bless.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 11:16:11 +0000

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